MANA Stats is a web application that provides a leaderboard and a heatmap based on subgraphs of Decentraland data. The platform allows users to explore land ownership and pricing trends in the Decentraland virtual world, gaining insights into land values and activities.
Leaderboard: Displays the top landowners in Decentraland, ranked by various metrics such as land area owned, transaction volume, and more.
Heatmap: Visualizes land pricing data across different coordinates. Users can quickly identify high-value land areas by analyzing price distribution trends across the virtual world.
Subgraph-powered Analytics: The application leverages TheGraph protocol and Decentraland subgraphs to pull real-time data on land sales, ownership, and pricing trends.
React: Used to build the interactive and dynamic UI.
D3.js: For rendering the heatmap, visualizing land data across different coordinates.
The Graph & GraphQL: To query Decentraland data from custom subgraphs.
Vercel: For fast deployment and hosting of the application.
Check out the live application here: MANA Stats
Clone the repository:
git clone cd MANAStats
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Build the project:
npm run build
Serve the build:
serve -s build
- Tracy Wankio - [email protected]
- Joyce Njeri - [email protected]