Full Stack serverless Instagram clone (named after Rhea, the Lab Mix)
Live Demo: https://rheaprod.d2f7z4fxf9cz8c.amplifyapp.com/
- React frontend
- AWS serverless backend
- Performant Single-Page App (React frontend)
- Auth (Amazon Cognito)
- Storage and uploads (Amazon S3)
- Data persistence / database (Amazon DynamoDB/NoSQL)
- Serverless and flexible API (AWS AppSync/GraphQL)
- Conflict-free styling (Emotion/CSS-In-JS)
- Responsive, modern layout (CSS Grid and Flexbox)
- CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete User, Posts, and Comments)
- CI/CD (AWS Amplify Console)
- Routing (React-Router)
- Type-checking (Prop-Types/TypeScript(refactor))
- Testing (Jest, Enzyme)
- React
- Emotion/CSS-In-JS
- Ant-Design components
- AWS Amplify components
- CSS Grid and Flexbox
- React-Icons
- React-Router
- graphql api
- AWS Amplify
- AWS AppSync (graphql)
- Amazon DynamoDB (NoSQL Database)
- Amazon S3 (Storage)
- AWS Cognito (Auth)