Symfony project created during the license pro DIM 2017 - 2018. This is a web application of TV shows based on the amazing Symfony PHP Framework.
Follow this instructions to install the application & develop your features !
- Install Composer (Globally is better) :
- A local server environment such as MAMP / XAMPP / LAMP configured with PHP 5.5.9 or higher (7+ is better).
Clone this project in your project folder :
git clone
After have installed Composer, do this command line in your project's folder :
composer install
Launch your server environment and your create your database with this command line :
bin/console doctrine:database:create
After, make migrations for create tables in your database:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
For correct use of the OMDB API, please follow these instructions (optional) :
- Connect to this site for obtain your API KEY :
- Add your API KEY in "config/parameter.yml" with the same name of "config/parameter.yml.dist" :
OMDB_api_key: your_key
- Now, you can search a show and retrieve results with local database and online API !
Create a user through the API or directly through your database with "ROLE_ADMIN" role for login to this application.
Launch your server environment and execute this command in your project's folder :
bin/console s:r
Connect to this application thanks your user.
A simple API is available on this application.
- A documentation is available :
- You can use this API directly with this documentation or thanks an external application.
ENJOY (and put a star if you like this app) !