Expert View Dashboard (EvD) is an educational environment used to train operators for collaborative robotic workcells.
These packages compose the ROS backend for the EvD project.
- evd_ros_backend: ROS meta-package
- evd_ros_core: ROS Server backend
- evd_ros_tasks: Specific tasks for experiments and demos
- evd_ros_ur_bringup: Interface for UR robot
System overview for both Frontend and Backend is here.
At this time only the UR3e is supported. Future work may extend this to other robots.
Wisc-HCI Specific Dependencies
General ROS Dependencies
- rosbridge_suite
- Via
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rosbridge-server
- Via
- UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver
- Please follow their installation instructions!
We also need to install the following python modules.
EvD's backend is broken into a library evd_ros_core
and the user's application space evd_ros_tasks
To runthe backend, just launch the following with the specific task as an arguement.
roslaunch evd_ros_tasks main.launch task:="<TASK NAME>"
Or just skip the pretext and call the specific task launch file. For example,
roslaunch evd_ros_tasks 3d_printer_machine_tending.launch
Under the hood, this will hook into the core launch files and will launch task specific nodes.