This is a prunecluster plugin extension for vue2-leaflet package
Why not using vue2-leaflet-markercluster ?
In my expericence, vue2-leaflet-markercluster was really slow when plotting more than 10.000 markers. So I had to find a faster alternative for these many markers cases.
Ex: Speed comparision for 10.000 markers:
- markercluster: 15 seconds
- prunecluster: 2 seconds
npm install --save vue2-leaflet-prunecluster
<v-map ref="map">
import PruneCluster from 'vue2-leaflet-prunecluster'
export default {
components: {
'v-prune-cluster': PruneCluster
You need a leaflet map around your vue2-leaflet-prunecluster component with a ref="map"
items must be an array like this:
{ lng: -1.219482, lat: 47.413220, id: '65y' },
{ lng: -1.219482, lat: 47.413220, id: '65y' }
- The function doWhateverYouWant can simply be
() => console.log('i just clicked');
But doWhateverYouWant can be much more advanced in case you want to use full arguments inherited from pruneCluster:
(item,leafletMarker,pruneCluster) => console.log('i just clicked on this item',item);
- In case you want to customize your icon, you can also pass the option :setIcon=setIcon with setIcon beging a Leaflet Icon like:
return L.icon({
iconUrl: '../../static/icons/icon_search_violet.svg',
iconSize: [29, 29],
git clone vue2prune && cd vue2prune && npm install && npm run example
and go to localhost:8080
npm run build
npm run lint
Made with Vue cli with ❤️
Thanks to SINTEF for the awsome prune package