A pure Vue component submit button with a Ladda-style spinner.
Based on NxtChg/pieces vue-submit but with a different approach, using vue-cli 3 and published as a component, plugin and vue cli 3 plugin.
Using npm:
$ npm install vue-submit
Using Vue (with Webpack) in your src/main.js
or other webpack entry file:
// Load the Vue plugin globally to compile via Babel in Webpack (using vue-cli-3).
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Plugin } from 'vue-submit'
// To use the default options: { defaultButtonType = 'submit', tagName = 'vue-submit' }
// Or choose a different tag name for the component
Vue.use(Plugin, { tagName: 'an-alternative-vue-submit-tag-name' })
// Or choose the default button type for the button created. By default this is 'submit',
// but you may want 'button' to use the spin functionality without submitting a form
Vue.use(Plugin, { defaultButtonType: 'button' })
And in your SFC (with the plugin activated):
<vue-submit :disabled='disabled'>A disabled button</vue-submit>
<vue-submit type='button' :disabled='disabled'>A disabled button that behaves like a normal button instead of a submit button</vue-submit>
<form method='GET' @submit.prevent='onSubmitDummy'>
<vue-submit :started='siblingStarted' @started='siblingStarted=true'> {{ siblingStopPrimaryText }}</vue-submit>
<button type='button' :disabled='!siblingStarted' @click='onSiblingStop'> {{ siblingStopSecondaryText }}</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
disabled: true,
siblingStarted: false,
siblingStopPrimaryText: 'Click to confide in me',
siblingStopSecondaryText: 'Waiting for my sibling to start spinning'
watch: {
siblingStarted(started) {
if (started) {
this.siblingStopPrimaryText = "I'm spinning around, get out of my way!"
this.siblingStopSecondaryText = 'Click me to stop my sibling'
} else {
this.siblingStopPrimaryText = 'Click to confide in me'
this.siblingStopSecondaryText = 'Waiting for my sibling to start spinning'
methods: {
onSubmitDummy() {
// a dummy function to prevent actual form submission
onSiblingStop() {
this.siblingStarted = false
Or to use in your SFC as above, but with the component and not the plugin:
import VueSubmit from 'vue-submit'
export default {
components: {
'vue-submit': VueSubmit
To use the ES6 module outside of vue-cli-3, but within webpack (with Babel), try the webpack-babel-env-deps Babel plugin to ensure the imports
are imported as-is.
If (for some reason) you don't want to use the raw ES Vue component, there is also:
// The common-js version
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-submit/dist/vue-submit.common.js"></script>
// The UMD version
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-submit/dist/vue-submit.umd.min.js"></script>