A simple Tenhou Bot.
- This bot is written by pure python. The only dependency is python-2.7.9 (or newer version).
- Phantomjs(attached win/linux version in subdirectory) is called to utilize tenhou "牌理". Then, the most useless tile is discarded.
- Run
python MainBot.py
- Input lobby number and game type number when it prompts "input:", separated by comma.
- Public rating lobby is 0
- Game type number: 般南喰赤(9), 般東喰赤(1). For more detail, please check comments at bottom of "MainBot.py"
- Default Bot user is NoName. To use other account, please revise the name in
send('<HELO name="NoName" tid="f0" sx="M" />\0')
to your account and replace dash("-") by "%2D"
- connect to server
- authorization
- register the game with given lobby number and game type
- choose tile to discard by "牌理"
- richii once it can