关于YOS: 这是一款由micropython编写成的单片机系统。它简单,小巧,但又拥有很强的兼容性,可以加载插件,胜任许多工作。
应用场景: 搭载了它的开发板,可以在脱离电脑的情况下进行python开发(后期会加上直接编写的功能)。这对于一些在不允许带电脑或手机这类智能设备的学校的学生来说,它可以成为学生在校开发和娱乐的工具。 在一些特殊场景,如有一些临时的I需要,去执行一些任务,用大型的计算机系统太过于浪费,重新编写代码太过于繁琐,这时候就可以直接加载插件,用它临时执行一些任务。 又或者你突然想测试一下你的无刷电调,或者测试一下你的舵机等等,去买一个测试器,尽管价格不高,但是很费时。这时候也可以调用它的插件。
关于插件/应用程序: 在不与硬件冲突的情况下,它几乎可以,兼容所有的python文件。这使得几乎所有人都可以轻易为它编写插件。 ... 好吧,我编不下去了... 我承认,我只是写着玩玩而已...
EN: About YOS: YOS is a microcontroller system written in MicroPython. It is simple, compact, yet highly compatible, allowing the loading of plugins and capable of handling various tasks.
Use Cases: Boards equipped with YOS enable Python development without the need for a computer (additional direct coding functionality will be added later). This proves to be a valuable tool for students in schools where carrying computers or smartphones is restricted, providing a platform for both academic development and entertainment. In special scenarios where there is a need for temporary input (I/O) and executing specific tasks without the overhead of a large computer system, or when rewriting code is cumbersome, YOS allows the direct loading of plugins for executing these tasks temporarily. Alternatively, if you suddenly want to test your brushless electronic speed controller (ESC) or experiment with your servo, purchasing a dedicated tester, despite being affordable, can be time-consuming. YOS offers the option to call upon its plugins for such testing purposes.
About Plugins/Applications: As long as there is no hardware conflict, YOS is compatible with almost all Python files. This makes it easy for almost anyone to write plugins for it. ... Well, I can't continue... I admit, I was just writing for fun.