Implementation of a basic SMT/SAT solver based on DPLL & CDCL
SMT supports UF theory and LP
LP Uses revised simplex algorithm
Each model has a folder, and a solve / search function.
There is a unified main that can be used to execute any of the models, the running arguments are as follows:
python3 sat '(x1&x2)'
python3 smt '(f(a)=b&f(b)=a)'
python3 lp '0x0,2x1,3x2,x3<=5' '4x1,x2,2x3<=11' '3x1,4x2,2x3<=8' '5x1,4x2,3x3'
LP Theory python3 lp '((0x0,2x1,3x2,x3<=5&4x1,x2,2x3<=11)&3x1,4x2,2x3<=8)' '5x1,4x2,3x3'
We invoke the LP Theory solver if there is only one equation, if there is a list we invoke the regular LP (which also returns the objective)
Tests are based on pytest (run pytest in main folder to execute all of them)
Each model has its own tests, most of them are unit tests and one special file which is called test_random_MODEL
The random tests samples different parameters (number of variables, number of equations etc...), and runs ensures the result of our model and z3 (sat & smt) or Gurobi (LP) are the same
The random tests require gurobipy and z3py