A collection of interesting applied NLP tasks
This module implements comparison functions for word representations and uses the functions and representations to solve semantic similarity tasks.
It supports similarity queries and analogical reasoning tasks.
finds the 10 words most similar to w. Display the similar words, and their similarity scores against the query word w. An example input queries:
1: firm (0.739202104486)
2: corporation (0.733216121624)
3: agency (0.690310755928)
4: unit (0.636080696538)
5: industry (0.63310344963)
6: microsoft (0.629542189259)
7: companies (0.60371111139)
8: wal-mart (0.593336821926)
9: sony (0.581199666729)
10: product (0.569321059484)
An interesting thing you can do with our module is perform analogical reasoning tasks. An example input:
king : man :: {} : woman
king : man :: Queen : woman
See how to use it from the folder “example”
The aim of this project is to do authorship identification on lines of poetry written by Emily Bronte and William Shakespeare. We use the Naive Bayes classifier provided by nltk.
- train set:
Lines of poetry by Shakespeare, marked with an ’s’b.data
Lines of poetry by Bronte, marked with an ’b’
- dev set:
Lines of poetry mixed of Shakespeare and Bronte
To begin with you should prepare the training data:
cat s.data b.data | python maketsv.py -o train.tsv
You can then run the classifier:
python classify.py -i train.tsv
You should see output like:
Training classifier ...
Accuracy on dev: 0.971351
No test file passed; stopping.
In this assignment we build a simple constituency parser trained from the ATIS portion of the Penn Treebank.
Train set & preprocess
The filetrain.trees
contains a sequence of trees, one per line, each in the following format:(TOP (S (VP (VB Book) (NP (DT that) (NN flight)))) (PUNC .))
- Running
makes the trees strictly binary branching. - Running
reverses all the modifications made by preprocess.py. - Running
replaces all words that occurred only once with the special symbol .
- Running
Dev set
The file dev.string contains a sequence of sentences, e.g.:
The flight should be eleven a.m tomorrow .
And the file dev.tree contains a sequence of trees respectively, e.g.:
(TOP (S (NP (DT The) (NN flight)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP* (CD eleven) (RB a.m)) (NN tomorrow))))) (PUNC .))
python evalb.py dev.parses.post dev.trees