- cd into directory you want to clone the repo into
- git clone
- cd
- git status
- git branch (creating a local branch)
- git status (will still be in master)
- git checkout
- git status (now in the branch that was just made)
git status (shows what isnt in the staging area to be committed)
git add
git status (shows file is now staged to be committed)
git commit -m "comment for your commit" (commits the file(s))
git log (lists history of commits)
files are now committed to out local branch we created
- git push -u origin (pushed our local branch to the origin)
on github.com: open a pull request for what we just pushed up (this is where people could comment and colab on what you pushed up)
merge pull request
git checkout master
git pull (pulls any new changes for master)
git add . (adds all files in local repo to be committed, also will add the folders within repo respectively)