bwa index Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta
bwa mem -t 40 -M -R "@RG\tID:01\tLB:01\tPL:Illumina\tPU:01\tSM:01" reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta Cole_R428-02-R01_good_1.fq Cole_R428-02-R01_good_2.fq > 3sam/Cole_R428-02-R01_good.sam
bwa mem -t 40 -M -R "@RG\tID:02\tLB:02\tPL:Illumina\tPU:02\tSM:02" reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta Cole_R428-02-R02_good_1.fq Cole_R428-02-R02_good_2.fq > 3sam/Cole_R428-02-R02_good.sam
cd ../3sam
for m in $(ls *.sam); do samtools view -Sb $m > ../4bam/${m%.sam}.bam;done
for m in $(ls *.bam); do samtools view -bF 4 $m >../5aligned_bam/$m;done
for m in $(ls *.bam); do java -jar ~/soft/picard.jar SortSam I= $m O=../6sorted_bam/$m SORT_ORDER=coordinate ;done
for m in $(ls *.bam); do java -jar ~/soft/picard.jar MarkDuplicates REMOVE_DUPLICATES=false MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP=8000 INPUT=$m OUTPUT= ../7dup_marked_bam/$m METRICS_FILE=../7dup_marked_bam/bam.metrics ; done
for m in $(ls *.bam); do samtools index $m;done
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta -I ../7dup_marked_bam/Cole_R428-02-R01_good.bam -I ../7dup_marked_bam/Cole_R428-02-R02_good.bam -O ../8vcf/B.rapa.vcf
gatk SelectVariants -R ../reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta -variant B.rapa.vcf -O ../9snp/1SNP.vcf -select-type SNP
1.9. Filter SNPs called from GATK pipline to keep the homozygou SNPs in each parental genome but different between two parental genomes.(Assumed to be diploid).
for m in $(ls *_1.fq.gz); do if [ ! -f ../2Hisat_result/${m%_good_1.fq.gz}.sam ]; then echo $m; hisat2 -p 40 -x ../../rapa_data/reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0 -1 $m -2 ${m%1.fq.gz}2.fq.gz --no-mixed --no-discordant -S ../2Hisat_result/${m%_good_1.fq.gz}.sam; fi; done
for m in $(ls *.sam); do echo $m; grep 'NH:i:1' $m > ../3uniq_mapping/${m::-4}.uniq.sam;done
for m in $(ls *.sam); do echo $m; samtools view -S -b $m -T ../../rapa_data/reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta > ../4bam/${m%.uniq.sam}.bam;done
for m in $(ls *.bam); do samtools sort $m -o ../5sorted_bam/${m%.bam}.sorted.bam -O bam -@ 40 ;done
samtools merge ../all.bam *.bam -@ 40
samtools mpileup -v -u -I 6merge_bam/all.bam -o 7mpileup_out/1RNA_merge.vcf --reference ../rapa_data/reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta
bcftools call -mv 1RNA_merge.vcf -o 2calls.bcf --threads 40
awk 'm=split($8,u,";"){y=split(u[1],x,"=")}{if(x[2]>=10) print $0}' 2calls.bcf >3RNA_merge.vcf
3.Obtain the common SNPs between RNA-Seq SNPs and resequenced SNPs, and keep only those SNPs within reference gene sets (from GFF file).
Rscript obtining_common_snp.R
4. Count the allelic reads from RNA-Seq alignment file (bam formatted) at the SNPs sites derived from the previous step.
for m in $(ls ../5sorted_bam/*.bam);do echo $m; python -b $m -s 4target.snp.txt --mq 0 --bq 0;done
usage: [-h] -b BAM_FILE -s SNP_FILE [-m MAP_QUAL]
[--bq BASE_QUAL]
Split bam file and count allelic reads number based on known SNP sites
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAM_FILE Input bam file (required)
-s SNP_FILE Input SNP file (a vcf formatted file or at least the first 5 columns of vcf file is required)
Set a mapping quality threshold (default:20)
--bq BASE_QUAL Set a base quality threshold (default:20)
paste ../5sorted_bam/*.txt > 5all.allel.counts.txt
awk '{for(i=1;i<=6;i++)printf("%s\t",$i);for(i=7;i<=NF;i+=6)printf("%s\t",$(i+4)"\t"$(i+5));print ""}' all.allel.counts.txt > 2all_allele_counts
R script 7imprinted.R