Ryuko creates gifs from (almost) any video file. It's pretty neat so like if you like gifs, use it.
This is aimed at beginners with no command line knowledge. If you know what your doing, here is the outline.
- Clone Ryuko
- Run with Python 2.7
- Add it to your path if you want.
Skip to the next section if you want help on the command.
Clone (git clone
) or download this repository (The "Download Zip" button on the left if you don't know what I mean). Extract everything if you downloaded an archive.
into the directory where you extracted Ryuko to and use python ryuko.py
to run it. Here is the example output.
PS F:\code\Ryuko> python .\ryuko.py
usage: ryuko.py [-h] [-f] [-b] [-fps FPS]
input_file output_file start duration
ryuko.py: error: too few arguments
If you see an error along the lines of "Python not found" or that Python isn't a command, go and make sure python (2.7 is used) is in your path and uses the command python
. If you got output like mine, you are ready to rock and roll!
To get the usage for ryuko.py
just run python ryuko.py -h
F:\code\Ryuko [master +0 ~1 -0]> python .\ryuko.py -h
usage: ryuko.py [-h] [-f] [-s] [-sf SUBTITLE_FILE] [-b] [-fps FPS]
input_file output_file start duration
positional arguments:
input_file The input video file (anything ffmpeg supports)
output_file The name of the output gif.
start The time in seconds to start the gif
duration Duration to create the gif
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --flip Flip the image upside down.
-s, --subtitle Burn in the embedded (use--subtitle-file if not)
subtitles to the video
-sf SUBTITLE_FILE, --subtitle-file SUBTITLE_FILE
The subtitle file,for if there is not embedded
subtitles, enables -s.
-b, --use-builtin Use the system `convert`, `ffmpeg`and `gifsicle`
-fps FPS, --fps FPS FPS of the gif
Most of the options are pretty self explanatory really, input_file
is any video file that ffmpeg can use and output_file
is the name of your gif. start
is the time in seconds to start creating the gif and duration
is how long to make the gif. The other flags are -f
to flip the image upside down, -b
to use the builtin commands (Use this on not windows!) and -fps FPS
is the FPS of the gif.
PS F:\code\Ryuko> python .\ryuko.py .\knk03.mkv output.gif 600 3
Extracting frames (call this 25%)
Creating gif (Call this 80%)
Optimising (Call this 99%)
This is the most basic usage of the command, in human terms it says "Create a gif of knk03.mkv at 600 seconds that lasts 3 seconds and name it output.gif"
PS F:\code\Ryuko> python .\ryuko.py .\knk03.mkv output2.gif 543.1 1.8
Extracting frames (call this 25%)
Creating gif (Call this 80%)
Optimising (Call this 99%)
As you can see, we just added a decimal place and it works. Pretty neat.
PS F:\code\Ryuko> python ryuko.py -f knk05.mkv output3.gif 950.5 3
Extracting frames (call this 25%)
Creating gif (Call this 80%)
Optimising (Call this 99%)