i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel is an open-source software which allows to manage shared hosting environments on Linux servers.
i-MSCP aims to provide an easy-to-use Web interface for end-users, and to manage servers without any manual intervention on the filesystem.
i-MSCP was designed for professional Hosting Service Providers (HSPs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and IT professionals.
See the INSTALL file of distribution you are using inside the docs directory.
- For Debian: ./docs/Debian/INSTALL.md
- For Ubuntu: ./docs/Ubuntu/INSTALL.md
Unless otherwise stated all code is licensed under GPL 2.0 and has the following copyright:
© Copyright 2010-2016 i-MSCP Team. All rights reserved.
Please have a look at these Licenses. They are shipped with this release in the next files:
- ./docs/LICENCE-MPL1.1
- ./docs/LICENSE-GPL2
- ./docs/LICENSE-LGPL2.1
i-MSCP is a project of i-MSCP | internet Multi Server Control Panel. i-MSCP and the i-MSCP logo are trademarks of the i-MSCP | internet Multi Server Control Panel project team.
Please visit our [site](site under http://i-mscp.net "i-MSCP Site") for further information on i-MSCP.
We hope you enjoy using i-MSCP. If you like it, help us, to make it better. We would be glad on any help provided.