Whistle is an implementation of the Reverse Causal Reasoning (RCR) algorithm on the OpenBEL platform.
Whistle is built in Java ™ using Apache Maven.
To build Whistle with Apache Maven type:
mvn package assembly:single
The whistle distribution zip file is then located at:
Whistle ships with a default BEL Framework configuration that should work for most use cases. If you want to reuse an existing installation of the BEL Framework then set the appropriate environment variable.
Linux or OS X:
export BELFRAMEWORK_HOME=/path/to/bel/framework
set BELFRAMEWORK_HOME=c:\path\to\bel\framework
To run Whistle extract the distribution and run:
Linux or OS X:
./whistle.sh --help
whistle.cmd --help
You must accept the License terms to run it.
For additional information on running Whistle, please refer to the Wiki.