Releases: absozero/bosa-bot
V2.0 Stable
This new release has so many new features from the bot it used to be. I made it a spam bot because I didn't know the library well, but now, I have worked on the bot and it has many features, such as sniping and even getting pictures in posts of whatever subreddit you like! It can give you user, channel, and server information as well. Some of the more useless commands were cut off and in their place newer commands were implemented. I am still working on the help menu, adding descriptions for commands at a rapid pace, and soon, once I get to know the library even better, I will use cogs to implement even more new features into the bot. Go to the README in the repo for usage instructions. I am still looking for a good vps to host the bot on, so for now the only reliable option is to host the bot on your own computer or manipulate the source to run on a vps.