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Acronis UI Component Library Monorepo

NPM Version

Acronis UI Component Library is a monorepo that contains multiple packages. The main package is @acronis-platform/ui.

Simplified structure of the monorepo

├── .github                          - _Github Action workflows_
├── _templates                       - _Hygen templates for component generator_
├── packages/browserlist-config      - _Browserlist configs_
├── packages/dev-server              - _Main package for components_
├── packages/documentation           - _Vitepress documentation_
├── packages/figma-fetcher           - _Figma fetch icons utility_
├── packages/icons                   - _Main package for components_
├── packages/ui                      - _Main package for components_
│   ├── cypress                      - _Cypress tests_
│   ├── scripts                      - _Build scripts_
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── components               - _Components_
│   │   ├── composables              - _Composables_
│   │   ├── directives               - _Directives_
│   │   ├── locale                   - _Locale messages_
│   │   ├── styles                   - _Styles, themes, tokens_
│   │   ├── widgets                  - _Widgets_
│   │   └── index.ts                 - _Entry point_
│   └── test                         - _Unit tests coverage report_
├── packages/utils
├── package.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml


Install dependencies and build packages:

pnpm install
pnpm run build

Run documentation with dev server

Start dev documentation server:

pnpm --filter ./packages/documentation run dev

Build components library in watch mode:

pnpm --filter ./packages/ui run dev

Build and preview documentation

pnpm --filter ./packages/documentation run build
pnpm --filter ./packages/documentation run preview

Build for production

pnpm --filter ./packages/ui run build
