This page is no longer being updated due to a lack of reliable data. While we continue to surface this content for archival purposes, we recommend that you visit more regularly updated resources, such as from the CDC.
This is the code repository for
A single page react app, created via create-react-app
. Routing through react-router
Make sure you have node installed. nvm is recommended to manage your node installation so you can easily switch between versions. node v16.x works well. Once nvm is installed:
nvm install v16
nvm alias default v16
Get the repo from github
git clone
Then install the correct dependencies locally via yarn.
yarn install
Then start the local dev server:
yarn start
The website should be thriving on http://localhost:3000/
Code should be automatically linted and formatted on commit, but to manually run the linter (which also reformats code with prettier) you can run:
yarn lint-fix
Testing is run via jest.
yarn jest
The website renders data that's read from an API data snapshot (e.g. Every day we update the website to point at the newest data snapshot. As part of this we also must update our map colors to reflect the new status of states / counties, etc.
This is all automated (to do the updates and generate a Pull Request). To kick off the process you must get a personal access token, and run:
./tools/ <snapshot>