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Included Benchmarks

The following benchmarks are included in ELEVANT and can be used out of the box with the script.


Hoffart et al., 2011

Paper: Robust Disambiguation of Named Entities in Text

ELEVANT benchmark name: aida-conll-test and aida-conll-dev

Volume: 1393 articles with 34,956 mentions all in all, 7,136 of which link to NIL. Thus, the dataset contains 27,820 non-NIL mentions. The dataset is split into train, dev and test set where the training dataset contains the first 946 articles, the dev set the next 216 articles and the test set the last 231 articles.

Method: The dataset is based on the CoNLL-2003 dataset for NER tagging with proper noun annotations for 1393 Reuters newswire articles. Hoffart et al. hand-annotated these proper noun mentions with corresponding entities in the YAGO2 knowledge base. Each mention was disambiguated by two students and resolved by Hoffart et al. in case of conflict.

Official Download (Annotations only):

Inofficial CoNLL 2003 Download: With this and the annotations, the complete dataset can be constructed using the java program that comes with the annotations.


  • IMPORTANT: While the licence for the AIDA-CoNLL annotations permits redistribution, the licence for the Reuters texts does not. We therefore only include a version of the AIDA-CoNLL test and dev sets in which parts of the article texts are obscured. If you have your own (unobscured) copy of the dataset, you can however easily add it to ELEVANT as described in Add a Benchmark.
  • Strong tendency towards sports articles. The dev set for example with 216 articles overall contains ca. 100 articles about sports. Certain kinds of entity linking problems occur more frequently in such articles, e.g. metonymy: "Germany won against Brasil" - Should the country be linked or the sports team?.


Derczynski et al., 2015

Paper: Analysis of named entity recognition and linking for tweets

ELEVANT benchmark name: derczynski

Volume: 183 Tweets.

Method: Derczynski et al. asked 10 volunteer NLP experts to annotate tweets. The annotators could choose from a set of entity candidates as well as select "none of the above", "not an entity" or "cannot decide". Each entity mention was annotated by 3 volunteers. If an annotation decision was unclear, a fourth expert adjudicated on the annotation decision.

GERBIL Download:

DBPedia Spotlight

Not recommended for entity linking evaluation! See notes below.

Mendes et al., 2011

Paper: DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents

Volume: In the paper, they state that the test set consists of 35 paragraphs from NY Times articles from 8 different categories. The entire dataset downloadable e.g. via GERBIL consists of 58 individual sentences.

Method: From the paper: "[T]he annotators were asked to add links to DBpedia resources for all phrases that would add information to the provided text." and "In order to construct a gold standard, each evaluator first independently annotated the corpus, after which they met and agreed upon the ground truth evaluation choices. The ratio of annotated to not-annotated tokens was 33%."

GERBIL Download:


  • Some ground truth labels are overlapping, e.g. [[Turku]'s harbour]
  • The annotation decisions seem arbitrary. The benchmark contains annotations for words like "curved", "idea", or "house". On the other hand, phrases like "story", "Russian" or "Web language" are not annotated (even though "Web" and "Web pages" are).
  • 75% of annotations are non-named entities.


Hoffart et al., 2012

Paper: KORE: Keyphrase Overlap Relatedness for Entity Disambiguation

ELEVANT benchmark name: kore50

Volume: 50 difficult, hand-crafted test sentences from five domains: celebrities, music, business, sports, and politics.

Method: The dataset was hand-crafted by Hoffart et al.

Official Download:


Cucerzan, 2007

Paper: Large-Scale Named Entity Disambiguation Based on Wikipedia Data

ELEVANT benchmark name: msnbc and msnbc-updated

Original Dataset: According to the paper, the dataset contains 20 articles with 756 mentions. The dataset used by us (and GERBIL) contains 755 mentions of which 8 are linked to NIL. For ca. 87 of the non-NIL mentions, the corresponding Wikipedia article can not be found (anymore - this of course depends on the used Wikipedia version). Some of the labels in the original dataset are overlapping, e.g. [Frank [Blake]], [The [Home Depot]].

Updated Dataset: A cleaned version of the MSNBC dataset with no-longer existing Wikipedia entities removed was released by Guo & Barbosa. This version contains 739 mentions in total and 656 non-NIL mentions. For ca. 3 of the non-NIL mentions, the corresponding Wikipedia article can not be found (anymore - depending on the used Wikipedia version). At least 6 articles strongly differ from the corresponding articles in the original dataset, but revolve around the same topics. The IDs of the affected articles are 16417540, 16443053, 16447720, 16452612, 16455207 and 3683270.

Method: Cucerzan took the top 2 stories of the 10 MSNBC News categories (January 2, 2007), used them as input to his system and then performed a post-hoc evaluation of the disambiguations. From the paper: "We defined a disambiguation to be correct if it represented the best possible Wikipedia article that would satisfy a user’s need for information and incorrect otherwise. For example, the article Viking program is judged as correct for “Viking Landers”, for which there is no separate article in the Wikipedia collection".

Gerbil Version: UTF-8 and XML problems from the Wikification dataset (assumed to be close to the original) fixed without additional adjustments:

Original Dataset: Broken link:

Updated Version: Cleaned version of the original dataset. The number of mentions and partly the texts differs from the original version: <>


  • For ca. 87 non-NIL mentions, the corresponding Wikipedia article cannot be determined with ELEVANT's mappings. This is partly because no corresponding Wikipedia article exists (anymore?), e.g. "Daniel Venegas". Partly it's because of obvious spelling mistakes in the annotated entity names and urls, e.g. "Los Angeles. California" Most (all?) of these entities are linked to NIL in the updated dataset or not included in the list of mentions.
  • Some of the mentions in the original dataset overlap for no obvious reason. E.g. for "Frank Blake" the entire mention is annotated, as well as "Blake". Both link to the same entity. These overlapping mentions don't seem to be included in the updated version.


Nuzzolese et al., 2015

Paper: Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge

ELEVANT benchmark name: oke-2015-train and oke-2015-eval

Volume: Sentences from Wikipedia articles about the biographies of scholars. The dataset is split into training and evaluation dataset. The training dataset contains 95 sentences, the evaluation dataset contains 101 sentences.

Method: The sentences were manually annotated. The annotators considered as entity "any discourse referent (the actors and objects around which story unfolds), either named or anonymous that is an individual of one of the following DOLCE Ultra Lite classes, i.e., dul:Person, dul:Place, dul:Organization, and dul:Role.". Importantly, co-references to such entities are also considered as entities.

Official Download:
The folder GoldStandard_sampleData/task1 contains the training set and the folder evaluation-data/task1/ contains the evaluation dataset.

GERBIL Download (identical to the official version): < />


  • Some ground truth mention spans are not correct, e.g. in the training dataset in sentence #49, the span for the mention text "candidate" does not include the first letter and in sentence #62 the span for the mention text "civil engineering" is moved by one character to the right.
  • Some annotations don't match the annotation guidelines, e.g. "civil engineering" is annotated even though it's neither a place, person, organization nor role.
  • Inconsistent annotations: "Irish" in "Irish stone carver" (training set, sentence 50) is annotated (with "Irish people"), but "American" in "American poet" or "Canadian" in "Canadian musician" is not. Similarly, "street" is annotated, but "county" is not.
  • The definition of an entity in this benchmark excludes things that are widely accepted as entities, such as languages.


Nuzzolese et al., 2016

Paper: The Second Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge

ELEVANT benchmark name: oke-2016-train and oke-2016-eval

Volume: As for OKE-2015, the datasets consist of sentences from Wikipedia articles about the biographies of scholars. The dataset is split into training and evaluation dataset. The training dataset consists of the 196 sentences of the combined OKE-2015 training and evaluation dataset. The evaluation dataset contains 55 sentences.

Method: The sentences were manually annotated using a CrowdFlower task. Similarly to the OKE-2015 dataset, the annotators were asked to consider as entity "any discourse referent (the actors and objects around which a story unfolds), either named (e.g., Albert Einstein) or anonymous (e.g., a man)" of the types Person, Place, Organization or Role. As in the OKE-2015 dataset, co-references to such entities are also considered as entities.

Official Download:

GERBIL Download (identical to the official version): < />

Notes: See notes for OKE-2015. However, in the OKE-2016 evaluation set, we could not find any span errors as reported for OKE-2015.


Röder et al., 2014

Paper: N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format

ELEVANT benchmark name: reuters-128

Volume: 128 articles from the Reuters-21578 corpus which contains economic news articles. Each article contains at least one named entity. The benchmark contains 880 entity mentions, 650 of which are non-NIL mentions. 27 originally non-NIL mentions could not be mapped to a Wikidata QID and are thus additional NIL-mentions in ELEVANT, such that in ELEVANT, the Reuters-128 benchmark has 623 non-NIL ground truth mentions.

Method: In a first step, entities were recognized using FOX (Ngomo et al., 2011). Domain experts then manually corrected recognition mistakes and two scientists annotated the named entities with a corresponding URI.

Official Download:


  • Demonyms are not annotated, e.g. in "2,600 Iraqis had been killed", "Iraqis" is not annotated.
  • Adjectival modifiers and compounds are not annotated, e.g. in "Reagans decision was based on inaccurate data.", "Reagans" is not annotated and in "there are no plans to try to reduce the U.S. budget deficit", "U.S." is not annotated.
  • Annotations are missing, e.g. in "Edelman was unsuccessful last year", "Edelman" is not annotated, even though it is annotated in previous sentences.


Not recommended for entity linking evaluation! See notes below.

Röder et al., 2014

Paper: N³ - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format

Volume: 500 random sentences from a set of RSS feeds including all major worldwide newspapers. From the paper: "These sentences were a subset of those which contained a natural language representation of a formal relation, like “... , who was born in ... ” for dpo:birthPlace [...]. The relations had to occur more than 5 times in the 1% corpus." The dataset contains 1000 mentions, of which 524 are non-NIL mentions and 476 are NIL-mentions.

Wikidata version: Delpeuch converted the DBpedia annotations from the original RSS-500 dataset to Wikidata as described in the paper OpenTapioca: Lightweight Entity Linking for Wikidata. During this process, 63 of the original NIL-mentions were linked to a Wikidata entity and some of these were split into several mentions (e.g. "CBS NFL" into the mentions "CBS" and "NFL"), amounting to 1002 mentions all in all, 588 of which are non-NIL mentions.

Method: A researcher manually annotated the sentences.


Download Wikidata version:


  • In each sentence, exactly 2 entity references are marked as ground truth entities. This means that often, obvious entity references mentions, e.g. "Bill Clinton" or "Afghanistan" are not included in the ground truth. The dataset can therefore not be used to compute precision or F1 score unless ground truth mention spans are given.
  • Some sentences (at least one) appear twice in the benchmark, but with different ground truth mentions, e.g.: "FLAGSTAFF , Ariz. -- No sooner had six-time Pro Bowl receiver Larry Fitzgerald arrived in Uganda in July on a humanitarian mission than former president Bill Clinton hit him with the question : Does n't matter who is quarterback is , Larry Fitzgerald still finds a way to make big plays for the Cardinals ." In one occurrence of this sentence, only the spans "Larry Fitzgerald" and "Uganda" are marked as ground truth entities, while in the other occurrence only the spans "Bowl" and "Larry Fitzgerald" are marked as ground truth entities.
  • Mention spans are sometimes not intuitive, e.g. in the phrase "Pro Bowl receiver Larry Fitzgerald", "Bowl" is linked to the entity "Pro Bowl"


Bast et al., 2023

Paper: A Fair and In-Depth Evaluation of Existing End-to-End Entity Linking Systems

ELEVANT benchmark name: news-fair and news-fair-no-coref

Volume: 40 random articles from a news crawl. In each article, 3 consecutive paragraphs were manually exhaustively annotated. The remainder of each article is left unannotated but kept in the benchmark to provide context for entity linkers.

Method: Same as for Wiki-Fair. See for a comprehensive list of annotation guidelines.

Official Download: The benchmark should be used within ELEVANT, since ELEVANT automatically handles the evaluation of alternative or optional mentions as well as the evaluation of only the annotated parts of the benchmark. The benchmark can be found in this repository here (or here for the version without coreferences).


Bast et al., 2023

Paper: A Fair and In-Depth Evaluation of Existing End-to-End Entity Linking Systems

ELEVANT benchmark name: wiki-fair and wiki-fair-no-coref

Volume: 80 random Wikipedia articles from a Wikipedia dump from 2020. In each article, 3 consecutive paragraphs were manually exhaustively annotated. The remainder of each article is left unannotated but kept in the benchmark to provide context for entity linkers.

Method: Bast et al. aimed at creating a benchmark that allows a fair comparison of different entity linkers. Unlike most entity linking benchmarks, the benchmark contains not only named entities, but also non-named entities. Which kinds of entities were annotated was determined by a type whitelist. To ensure a fair comparison of different linkers, the benchmark includes alternative ground truth mentions in cases where it is unclear what the best ground truth annotation is. The benchmark also contains optional mentions, e.g., for datetimes and quantities. Coreferences are annotated, too, but there also exists a version without coreferences. See for a comprehensive list of annotation guidelines.

Official Download: The benchmark should be used within ELEVANT, since ELEVANT automatically handles the evaluation of alternative or optional mentions as well as the evaluation of only the annotated parts of the benchmark. The benchmark can be found in this repository here (or here for the version without coreferences).

Excluded Benchmarks

The following benchmarks are not included in ELEVANT for various reasons, mostly because we consider them as not beneficial for end-to-end entity linking evaluation. Most of them can however easily be added to ELEVANT by downloading the original benchmark from the given source and simply running the script with the appropriate benchmark_file and benchmark_format arguments.

ACE 2004

Not recommended for entity linking evaluation! See notes below.

Ratinov et al., 2011

Paper: Local and Global Algorithms for Disambiguation to Wikipedia

Volume: 57 articles with 306 mentions and 257 non-NIL mentions. Only 36 articles contain any (non-NIL-)mentions at all.

Method: Ratinov et al. took a subset of the ACE coreference dataset (Coreference is resolved and mentions and their types are given) and asked Amazon Mechanical Turk annotators to link the first nominal mention of each coreference chain to Wikipedia if possible. They then manually corrected the annotations.

Updated Version (cleaned version of the original dataset):

Gerbil Version (UTF-8 and XML problems fixed without additional adjustments):

Original Dataset (with invalid XML files):


  • Only very few entities are annotated. Probably those, that form the first occurrence of an entity in a coreference chain (and therefore only entities that are being referred to more than once). The dataset can therefore not be used to reasonably compute precision or F1 score unless ground truth mention spans are given.
  • Mention boundaries are sometimes chosen in a very unintuitive way: e.g. "D.C." instead of "Washington, D.C.", "Ministry of Defense" instead of "Iranian Ministry of Defense", "Green Party" instead of "Florida Green Party", and then "Ocean Spray Cranberries" instead of "Ocean Spray" (with link to Company "Ocean Spray")


Not recommended for entity linking evaluation! See notes below.

Milne and Witten, 2008

Paper: Learning to Link with Wikipedia

Volume: 50 short (250 - 300 words) newswire articles from the Associated Press.

Method: The documents are a subset from the AQUAINT text corpus which contains newswire articles from the Xinhua News Service, the New York Times, and the Associated Press. 50 articles from the Associated Press were randomly selected, but the selection was limited to short articles (250 - 300 words). No information is given in the original paper about the annotation process.

Inofficial Download, e.g.:


  • Only one occurrence of an entity seems to be annotated in each article (and not necessarily the first one).
  • The benchmark annotation is very inconsistent, for example obvious mentions like "Iraq" and "Hungary" are not annotated in some articles.
  • Lowercase mentions are sometimes annotated, but here too, the annotation is very inconsistent and it is unclear why a certain mention is annotated and another is not. E.g. "capillaries" is annotated, but "veins" in the same article is not.


Not recommended for entity linking evaluation! See notes below.

Guo and Barbosa, 2018

Paper: Robust Named Entity Disambiguation with Random Walks

Volume: The dataset consists of 320 articles from the annotated ClueWeb12 (FACC1) dataset.

Method: The FACC1 dataset was annotated automatically at Google Research. The annotators aimed for high precision at the cost of a lower recall. According to the project website, precision is believed to be around 80-85% and recall around 70-85%. Guo and Barbosa linked all documents using a simple baseline and grouped the documents by the resulting average accuracy. They randomly selected 40 documents for each accuracy bracket (for accuracies from 0.3 to 1.0).



  • The annotation was done automatically and is thus inherently erroneous.


Not recommended for entity linking evaluation! See notes below.

Guo and Barbosa, 2018

Paper: Robust Named Entity Disambiguation with Random Walks

Volume: The dataset consists of 345 articles from Wikipedia.

Method: Guo and Barbosa linked all documents in a Wikipedia dump from 2013 using a simple baseline and grouped the documents by the resulting average accuracy (apparently using Wikipedia hyperlinks as ground truth). They randomly selected 40 documents for each accuracy bracket (for accuracies from 0.3 to 1.0).



  • Wikipedia hyperlinks, which serve as ground truth labels in this benchmark, are incomplete since Wikipedia contributors are encouraged to omit hyperlinks if entities are very well known and only the first occurrence of an entity is linked in an article. The dataset can therefore not be used to reasonably compute precision or F1 score unless ground truth mention spans are given.