In favor of a POST API which can be used by:
- any server-side app
- any mobile app regardless of the platform (Objective C, Java, HTML &JS, etc.)
Email us at [email protected] for further details.
Pipe handles recording video from web and mobile, all the different file formats, ensures secure storage & delivery and has the JS and Webhook APIs needed for a seamless integration.
- Create an iOS App
- Add Pipe.framework in your app target General->Embedded Binaries section. In the resulting popup window ensure that "Copy items if needed" is checked. Xcode will automatically add the framework to the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section as well.
#import <Pipe/Pipe.h>
PipeRecorder* recorder = [[PipeRecorder alloc] initWithPipeAccountHash:@"YOUR_PIPE_ACCOUNT_HASH"];
[self presentViewController:recorder animated:true completion:nil];
Your Pipe Account Hash can be found in your Pipe account settings page.
The above lines of code will initialize the Pipe recorder with the default options:
- SD recording
- 2 minutes of maximum allowed recording
- empty custom data payload
But all of these can be customized and more.
All of the following options must be specified before presenting the view i.e. before this line:
[self presentViewController:recorder animated:true completion:nil];
recorder.maxDuration = 60; // or any duration in seconds
The SDK defaults to 640x480 but it can also record in 1280x720 (HD). For 1280x720 (HD) use recorder.recordHD = TRUE;
recorder.recordHD = TRUE;
recorder.payload = @"My custom data payload";
This payload corresponds to the payload that will be sent back via Webhooks.
recorder.showsCameraControls = NO;
recorder.cameraOverlayView = a_custom_made_view;
Pipe Recorder is a subclass of UIImagePickerController, so any standard ways of creating a custom camera UI apply. An example of a really simple custom UI can be viewed in the Test App.
If you wish to select an already made video instead of recording a new one simply add the following line of code after presenting the recorder in your app:
[recorder useExistingVideo];
In order to get notified in your app of video uploading success or failure you need to use PipeRecorderDelegate like so:
In your .h file add
@interface ViewController:UIViewController<PipeRecorderDelegate>
In your .m file add
recorder.pipeCustomDelegate.delegate = self;
and implement the needed protocol methods:
-(void) videoUploadSuccess:(PipeDelegate *) sender withResult:(NSString *)result{
-(void) videoUploadFail:(PipeDelegate *) sender withError:(NSError *)error{