This is an example web api to demostrate the integration of Django (with the Django REST framework) and AngularJS to build an application for people to schedule appointments.
This project was strongly based on Kevin Stone's tutorial:
You'll need to setup a virtualenv using python 3.3 and you'll need npm to install bower and the js assets (defined in bower.json)
Setup a virtualenv and install the requirements:
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.3 --no-site-packages my_api pip install -r requirements.txt
Install bower:
npm install -g bower
or if you don't have root access, install as user
npm install bower
Install assets
npm install bower install
if you didn't install bower globally, then you'll have to run bower from the .bin folder like this, or add a link to your bin folder.
./node_modules/.bin/bower install
Setup the database and install fixtures
make all
Run the server
./ runserver
The URL to enter the admin is
and the login credentials are admin/pass