-->For Linux
$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install python3
-->For Termux
$ pkg update && pkg upgrade
$ pkg install python
-->For Windows Download Python.exe 👉🏻 https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.5/python-3.8.5.exe
$ cd File-Manager
$ python File-Manager.py
*** Instructions ***
1. Type cat <file name> to read file contents.
2. Type cd √[Press Enter] type Directory name or
complete path to go to directory.
3. Type ls to get directory details.
4. Type help for help options.
5. Type rm <directory name> to remove directory.
6. Type mv to move file/directory to new path.
7. Type cp to copy file.
8. Type clear to clear screen.
9. Type Exit to exit File Manager.
10. Type mkdir <directory name> to make new directory.
11. Type pwd or cwd to print working/current directory.