The scope of this project is to provide useful docker containers to ease development.
Tools in containers are:
- Cassandra
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
Default deployed at: http://localhost:9200
Useful to see and manage Elasticsearch data.
accessed via: http://localhost:5601
First of all clone this repository in your desired location.
To start docker containers:
➜ docker-compose up
To stop docker containers:
➜ docker-compose down
under path ./scripts there are a set of useful Bash Scripts for Elasticsearch data management.
There are several util scripts for manage Elastic Search Data.
- List Documents by ID
- List Documents
- List Indexes names
- List the Platform health (indexes, Nº Documents per index, status...)
- Add X sessions directly in elastic search with defined parameters (tenant, application, index, type....)
- Add a session directly in elastic search
Example of use:
1- go to $WORKDIR/cek-docker/scripts/elasticsearch
2- Execute as : bash <path_to_script>.sh