Documentation for semi-automated wetland gain, loss, and type change detection. Poley 10/20/2021
- Normalize worldview images
- Author: Mike Billmire
- Purpose: Normalize worldview images that cover the same extent to each other
- Inputs:
- Reference WV image
- WV images to be normalized
- PIF.shp (shapefile in same coordinates as images. White and black features. Shapefile needs a ‘pif’ attribute.)
- Output:
- New directory with normalized images including reference image
- Radiometric change
- Author: Andrew Poley
- Purpose: calculate change magnitude, angle, and tasseled cap greenness (TCG)
- Inputs:
- WV images from year 1 & year 2
- Output name and directory
- Output:
- Single image with 3 bands (magnitude, angle, and TCG)
- Image segmentation
- Author: Andrew Poley
- Purpose: segment radiometric change images using scikit-image SLIC segmentation
- Inputs:
- Output image from radiometric change code
- Output directory
- Output:
- Segmented image with mean values for each segment. 4-band image: mean-magnitude, mean-angle, mean-TCG, and segment number
- NOTE: code takes a very long time to run on larger areas. Run ‘’ on radiometric change image before running segmentation to speed up processing.
- Tile raster code needs input image and output directory for image tiles and will create image tiles. Input tile directory into segmentation code. Run ‘’ on segmented tile outputs to re-mosaic the image for the next step.
Wetland Gain/Loss/Type change
- Author: Andrew Poley
- Purpose: Calculate wetland gain, loss, and type change from segmented radiometric change
- Inputs:
- Mosaiced segmented radiometric change image
- Change thresholds:
- CVA magnitude used to determine change/no-change
- TCG_upper is used to determine wetland gain
- TCG_lower is used to determine wetland loss
- Land cover classification of year 1
- Output:
- Classified map of wetland gain, loss, and type change
- -1 = wetland loss
- 1 = wetland gain
- 100 = wetland change type
- Classified map of wetland gain, loss, and type change
- Brief code description
- Use provided thresholds to determine change/no change in CVA image
- Reclassify land cover classification to only include wetland classes
- Intersect change/no-change and wetland classification to estimate which wetlands are changing
- Intersect wetland change/no-change with thresholded TCG layer to get gain, loss, and type change
- Reclassify change into gain & loss
- Input radiometric change and classification images must be in the same coordinate system and must have the same number of rows and columns.
- Assumes input classification has been reclassified into the following classes/numbers: 1 = urban 2 = suburban 3 = barren land 4 = agriculture 5 = grasslands 6 = deciduous 7 = evergreen 8 = shrubs 9 = woody wetland 10 = emergent wetland 11 = floating aquatic 12 = water 13 = detritus 17 = typha 18 = phragmites