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Fixes #303: major expansion of available operations, work in progress
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lukstafi committed Jan 24, 2025
1 parent 4ca8b16 commit 5a04c74
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Showing 6 changed files with 308 additions and 21 deletions.
65 changes: 63 additions & 2 deletions arrayjit/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ let get_ident_within_code ?no_dots llcs =
Tn.update_code_name tn ident;

let fprint_hum ?name ?static_indices () ppf llc =
let fprint_cstyle ?name ?static_indices () ppf llc =
let ident_label = get_ident_within_code [| llc |] in
let open Stdlib.Format in
pp_set_margin ppf !code_hum_margin;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -899,7 +899,68 @@ let fprint_hum ?name ?static_indices () ppf llc =
let prefix, infix, postfix = Ops.binop_c_syntax prec op in
fprintf ppf "@[<1>%s%a%s@ %a@]%s" prefix (pp_float prec) v1 infix (pp_float prec) v2 postfix
| Unop (Identity, v) -> (pp_float prec) ppf v
| Unop (Relu, v) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>relu(%a@])" (pp_float prec) v
| Unop (op, v) ->
let prefix, postfix = Ops.unop_c_syntax prec op in
fprintf ppf "%s%a%s" prefix (pp_float prec) v postfix
fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>";
fprint_function_header ?name ?static_indices () ppf;
pp_ll ppf llc;
fprintf ppf "@]"

let fprint_hum ?name ?static_indices () ppf llc =
let ident_label = get_ident_within_code [| llc |] in
let open Stdlib.Format in
pp_set_margin ppf !code_hum_margin;
let pp_ident ppf la = fprintf ppf "%s" @@ ident_label la in
let pp_local ppf { tn; scope_id } = fprintf ppf "v%d_%a" scope_id pp_ident tn in
let rec pp_ll ppf c : unit =
match c with
| Noop -> ()
| Seq (c1, c2) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a@]" (pp_print_list pp_ll)
(List.filter [ c1; c2 ] ~f:(function Noop -> false | _ -> true))
| For_loop { index = i; from_; to_; body; trace_it = _ } ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>for %a = %d to %d {@ %a@]@,}" pp_symbol i from_ to_ pp_ll body
| Zero_out tn -> fprintf ppf "zero_out %a;" pp_ident tn
| Set p ->
p.debug <- asprintf "@[<2>%a[@,%a] :=@ %a;@]" pp_ident pp_indices p.idcs pp_float p.llv;
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a[@,%a] :=@ %a;@]" pp_ident pp_indices p.idcs pp_float p.llv
| Comment message -> fprintf ppf "/* %s */" message
| Staged_compilation _ -> fprintf ppf "STAGED_COMPILATION_CALLBACK()"
| Set_local (id, llv) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a :=@ %a;@]" pp_local id pp_float llv
and pp_float ppf value =
match value with
| Local_scope { id; body; _ } -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a {@ %a@]@ }@," pp_local id pp_ll body
| Get_local id -> pp_local ppf id
| Get_global (Ops.C_function s, None) -> fprintf ppf "%s()" s
| Get_global (Ops.C_function s, Some idcs) -> fprintf ppf "%s(%a)" s pp_indices idcs
| Get_global (Ops.External_unsafe { ptr; prec; dims = _ }, None) ->
fprintf ppf "%s" @@ Ops.ptr_to_string_hum ptr prec
| Get_global (Ops.External_unsafe { ptr; prec; dims = _ }, Some idcs) ->
fprintf ppf "%s[%a]" (Ops.ptr_to_string_hum ptr prec) pp_indices idcs
| Get_global (Ops.Merge_buffer { source_node_id }, None) ->
let tn = Option.value_exn ~here:[%here] @@ Tnode.find ~id:source_node_id in
fprintf ppf "%a.merge" pp_ident tn
| Get_global (Ops.Merge_buffer { source_node_id }, Some idcs) ->
let tn = Option.value_exn ~here:[%here] @@ Tnode.find ~id:source_node_id in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a.merge[@,%a]@]" pp_ident tn pp_indices idcs
| Get (tn, idcs) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a[@,%a]@]" pp_ident tn pp_indices idcs
| Constant c -> fprintf ppf "%.16g" c
| Embed_index idx -> pp_axis_index ppf idx
| Binop (Arg1, v1, _v2) -> pp_float ppf v1
| Binop (Arg2, _v1, v2) -> pp_float ppf v2
| Binop (op, v1, v2) ->
if Ops.is_binop_nice_infix op then
let infix = Ops.binop_cd_syntax op in
fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a %s@ %a@])" pp_float v1 infix pp_float v2
let prefix = Ops.binop_cd_fallback_syntax op in
fprintf ppf "@[<1>%s(%a,@ %a@])" prefix pp_float v1 pp_float v2
| Unop (Identity, v) -> pp_float ppf v
| Unop (op, v) ->
let prefix = Ops.unop_cd_syntax op in
fprintf ppf "%s(%a)" prefix pp_float v
fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>";
fprint_function_header ?name ?static_indices () ppf;
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions arrayjit/lib/low_level.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,10 +118,20 @@ val fprint_function_header :

val get_ident_within_code : ?no_dots:bool -> t array -> Tnode.t -> string

val fprint_cstyle :
?name:string ->
?static_indices:Indexing.static_symbol list ->
unit ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
t ->
(** Adheres more to the C syntax, outputs implicit type casts. *)

val fprint_hum :
?name:string ->
?static_indices:Indexing.static_symbol list ->
unit ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
t ->
(** Adheres more to the %cd syntax, does not output implicit type casts. *)
198 changes: 187 additions & 11 deletions arrayjit/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,14 @@ let hum_typ_of_prec = function
| Double_prec _ -> "double"
| Void_prec -> "void"

(** {2 *** Operations ***} *)
(** {2 *** Operations ***}
See: {{} tinygrad ops},
{{} CUDA Math API} (intrinsics).
This is a redundant set of operations, aiming to expose hardware-supported "intrinsics",
to reduce the need for backends to pattern-match and optimize. Also for convenience.

(** Initializes or resets a array by filling in the corresponding numbers, at the appropriate
precision. *)
Expand All @@ -127,10 +134,49 @@ type init_op =
| File_mapped of string * prec (** Reads the data using [Unix.openfile] and [Unix.map_file]. *)
[@@deriving equal, sexp]

type binop = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | ToPowOf | Relu_gate | Arg2 | Arg1
type binop =
| Add
| Sub
| Mul
| Div
| ToPowOf
| Relu_gate
| Arg2
| Arg1
| Max
| Min
| Mod
| Cmplt
| Cmpne
(* Waiting till we have a use-case to see how to sensibly introduce bitwise operations. *)
(* | Shl *)
(* | Shr *)
| Or
| And
| Threefry (** Counter-based random number generator. *)
[@@deriving sexp, compare, equal]

type unop = Identity | Relu [@@deriving sexp, compare, equal]
type unop =
| Identity
| Relu
| Satur01 (** Saturate (truncate) to within the interval [[0; 1]]. *)
| Exp
| Log
| Exp2
| Log2
| Exp10
| Log10
| Sin
| Cos
| Sqrt
| Recip
| Recip_sqrt
| Neg
| Tanh_approx
[@@deriving sexp, compare, equal]

type ternop = Where (** Where(a,b,c): if a then b else c *) | FMA (** FMA(a,b,c): (a * b) + c *)
[@@deriving sexp, compare, equal]

(** Either the left-neutral or right-neutral element of the operation. Unspecified if the operation
does not have a neutral element. *)
Expand All @@ -139,8 +185,11 @@ let neutral_elem = function
| Mul | Div -> 1.
| ToPowOf -> 1.
| Relu_gate -> 1.
| Arg2 -> 0.
| Arg1 -> 0.
| Max -> Float.neg_infinity
| Min -> Float.infinity
| And -> 1.
| Or -> 0.
| Arg2 | Arg1 | Mod | Cmplt | Cmpne (* | Shl | Shr *) | Threefry -> 0.

let interpret_binop op v1 v2 =
let open Float in
Expand All @@ -153,10 +202,47 @@ let interpret_binop op v1 v2 =
| Div -> v1 / v2
| ToPowOf -> if is_integer v2 then int_pow v1 @@ to_int v2 else v1 ** v2
| Relu_gate -> if v1 > 0.0 then v2 else 0.0
| Max -> max v1 v2
| Min -> min v1 v2
| Mod -> v1 % v2
| Cmplt -> if v1 < v2 then 1. else 0.
| Cmpne -> if v1 <> v2 then 1. else 0.
(* | Shl -> v1 * (int_pow 2. @@ to_int v2) *)
(* | Shr -> v1 / (int_pow 2. @@ to_int v2) *)
| Or -> if v1 <> 0. || v2 <> 0. then 1. else 0.
| And -> if v1 <> 0. && v2 <> 0. then 1. else 0.
| Threefry ->

let interpret_unop op v =
let open Float in
match op with Identity -> v | Relu when v >= 0. -> v | Relu -> 0.
match op with
| Identity -> v
| Relu when v >= 0. -> v
| Relu -> 0.
| Satur01 when v <= 0. -> 0.
| Satur01 when v >= 1. -> 1.
| Satur01 -> v
| Exp -> exp v
| Log -> log v
| Exp2 -> 2. ** v
| Log2 -> log v / log 2.
| Exp10 -> 10. ** v
| Log10 -> log v / log 10.
| Sin -> sin v
| Cos -> cos v
| Sqrt -> sqrt v
| Recip -> 1. / v
| Recip_sqrt -> 1. / sqrt v
| Neg -> ~-.v
| Tanh_approx -> tanh v

let is_binop_infix = function Threefry -> false | _ -> true

let is_binop_nice_infix = function
| Arg1 | Arg2 | Relu_gate | Max | Min | Threefry -> false
| _ -> true

let binop_cd_syntax = function
| Arg1 -> "-@>"
Expand All @@ -167,6 +253,36 @@ let binop_cd_syntax = function
| Div -> "/"
| ToPowOf -> "**"
| Relu_gate -> "-?/"
| Cmplt -> "<"
| Cmpne -> "<>"
| Or -> "||"
| And -> "&&"
| Mod -> "%"
| Max -> "@^"
| Min -> "^^"
(* | Shl -> "lsl" *)
(* | Shr -> "lsr" *)
| Threefry -> "threefry"

let binop_cd_fallback_syntax = function
| Arg1 -> "fst"
| Arg2 -> "snd"
| Add -> "add"
| Sub -> "sub"
| Mul -> "mul"
| Div -> "div"
| ToPowOf -> "pow"
| Relu_gate -> "relu_gate"
| Cmplt -> "lt"
| Cmpne -> "le"
| Or -> "orf"
| And -> "andf"
| Mod -> "modf"
| Max -> "max"
| Min -> "min"
(* | Shl -> "shlf" *)
(* | Shr -> "shrf" *)
| Threefry -> "threefry"

let binop_c_syntax prec v =
match (v, prec) with
Expand All @@ -184,22 +300,56 @@ let binop_c_syntax prec v =
invalid_arg "Ops.binop_c_syntax: ToPowOf not supported for byte/integer precisions"
| Relu_gate, Byte_prec _ -> ("(", " > 0 ?", " : 0)")
| Relu_gate, _ -> ("(", " > 0.0 ?", " : 0.0)")
| Max, Double_prec _ -> ("fmax(", ",", ")")
| Max, Single_prec _ -> ("fmaxf(", ",", ")")
| Max, Half_prec _ -> ("fmaxf(", ",", ")")
| Max, Byte_prec _ -> ("fmax(", ",", ")")
| Min, Double_prec _ -> ("fmin(", ",", ")")
| Min, Single_prec _ -> ("fminf(", ",", ")")
| Min, Half_prec _ -> ("fminf(", ",", ")")
| Min, Byte_prec _ -> ("fmin(", ",", ")")
| Mod, _ -> ("(", " %", ")")
| Cmplt, _ -> ("(", " <", ")")
| Cmpne, _ -> ("(", " !=", ")")
(* | Shl, Byte_prec _ -> ("(", " <<", ")") *)
(* | Shl, _ -> ("((", ") * exp2(", "))") *)
(* | Shr, Byte_prec _ -> ("(", " >>", ")") *)
(* | Shr, _ -> ("((", ") / exp2(", "))") *)
| Or, _ -> ("(", " ||", ")")
| And, _ -> ("(", " &&", ")")
| Threefry, Double_prec _ -> ("threefry(", ",", ")")
| Threefry, Single_prec _ -> ("threefryf(", ",", ")")
| Threefry, Half_prec _ -> ("threefryf(", ",", ")")
| Threefry, Byte_prec _ -> ("threefryf(", ",", ")")

let is_assign_op = function
| Arg1 | Mod (* | Shl | Shr *) | Cmplt | Cmpne | Threefry -> false
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div | ToPowOf | Relu_gate | Arg2 | Max | Min | Or | And -> true

let assign_op_cd_syntax ~initialize_neutral = function
| Arg1 -> invalid_arg "Ops.assign_op_cd_syntax: Arg1 is not a %cd assignment operator"
| Arg2 -> "=:"
| Add when initialize_neutral -> "=:+"
| Sub when initialize_neutral -> "=:-"
| Mul when initialize_neutral -> "=:*"
| Div when initialize_neutral -> "=:/"
| ToPowOf when initialize_neutral -> "=:**"
| Relu_gate when initialize_neutral -> "=:?/"
| Or when initialize_neutral -> "=:||"
| And when initialize_neutral -> "=:&&"
| Max when initialize_neutral -> "=:@^"
| Min when initialize_neutral -> "=:^^"
| Add -> "=+"
| Sub -> "=-"
| Mul -> "=*"
| Div -> "=/"
| ToPowOf -> "=**"
| Relu_gate -> "=?/"
| Max -> "=@^"
| Min -> "=^^"
| Or -> "=||"
| And -> "=&&"
| Arg1 | Mod (* | Shl | Shr *) | Cmplt | Cmpne | Threefry ->
invalid_arg "Ops.assign_op_cd_syntax: not an assignment op"

let assign_op_c_syntax = function
| Arg1 -> invalid_arg "Ops.assign_op_c_syntax: Arg1 is not a C assignment operator"
Expand All @@ -208,17 +358,43 @@ let assign_op_c_syntax = function
| Sub -> "-="
| Mul -> "*="
| Div -> "/="
| ToPowOf -> invalid_arg "Ops.assign_op_c_syntax: ToPowOf function is not a C assignment operator"
| Relu_gate -> invalid_arg "Ops.assign_op_c_syntax: Relu_gate is not a C assignment operator"

let unop_cd_syntax = function Identity -> "~=" | Relu -> "?/"
| Mod -> "%="
(* | Shl -> "<<=" *)
(* | Shr -> ">>=" *)
| _ -> invalid_arg "Ops.assign_op_c_syntax: not a C assignment operator"

(** Note: currently we do not support unary prefix symbols. *)
let unop_cd_syntax = function
| Identity -> "id"
| Relu -> "relu"
| Satur01 -> "sat01"
| Exp -> "exp"
| Log -> "log"
| Exp2 -> "exp2"
| Log2 -> "log2"
| Exp10 -> "exp10"
| Log10 -> "log10"
| Sin -> "sin"
| Cos -> "cos"
| Sqrt -> "sqrt"
| Recip -> "recip"
| Recip_sqrt -> "recip_sqrt"
| Neg -> "neg"
| Tanh_approx -> "tanh"

let unop_c_syntax prec v =
match (v, prec) with
| Identity, _ -> ("", "")
| Relu, Single_prec _ -> ("fmaxf(0.0, ", ")")
| Relu, Byte_prec _ -> ("fmax(0, ", ")")
| Relu, _ -> ("fmax(0.0, ", ")")
| _ ->
(* | Satur01, _ -> ("", "") | Exp, _ -> ("", "") | Log, _ -> ("", "") | Exp2, _ -> ("", "") | Log2,
_ -> ("", "") | Exp10, _ -> ("", "") | Log10, _ -> ("", "") | Sin, _ -> ("", "") | Cos, _ -> ("",
"") | Sqrt, _ -> ("", "") | Recip, _ -> ("", "") | Recip_sqrt, _ -> ("", "") | Neg, _ -> ("", "")
| Tanh_approx, _ -> ("", "") *)

let c_convert_precision ~from ~to_ =
match (from, to_) with
Expand Down

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