Hello, AutoML folk! We’re releasing a minor version of FEDOT that includes the following.
PyPi release: https://pypi.org/project/fedot/0.7.1/
Features & Enhancements:
- Update of GOLEM (core framework) dependency to 0.3.1 version, that has some important features itself
- Added Meta Rules that automatically select best parameters based on dataset: with rules for early_stopping_generations, preset and cross-validation folds were added (#1057)
- Improved API parameters and made documentation more clear and structured (#1067, #1041)
- Improve test suite and its performance (#1098)
- Improved DataMerger for textual data – now multi-column text table can be used with FEDOT (#1052)
- Bug with wrong combinations of operations in pipelines for time series forecasting was fixed.
- Multiple initial assumptions support was fixed (#1070)
- Various minor fixes