Please run the Ipython Notebook file code/Baseline.ipynb The folders model/, weights/, prob_eng/, prob_fr/, prob/ should be empty to run the code from scratch.
The directory consists of:
code/ source_code Ipython Notebook and experiments and images included in the blog. experiments/ contains source_code Ipython Notebook for each experiment conducted and corresponding results. It has been referenced in the blog. model/ stores the model_json file for LSTM trained for each language weights/ stores model weights for each LSTM prob_eng/ stores probability of test string for English LSTM model prob_fr/ stores probability of test string for French LSTM model prob/ stores probability of test strings for all models together for Extra credits subset/ stores all languages data for Extra credits subset1/ stores modified English and French data only for baseline code
blog.pdf The Blog describing working and operation of our Language Detection Model. specify instructions about how to run your code and repeat your result in this file (markdown format expected).