micronaut + MyBatis codebase containing real world examples (auth so far) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
This codebase is work in progress. At first commit. This codebase is to showcase a fully fledged fullstack application built with micronautfw + Mybatis including Swagger OpenAPI API operations, authentication with JWT, and more.
For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.
The idea is to make the copy of Spring Boot Real World App but not exact. Since a) Spring Boot is the most popular framework and many Java devs are familiar with it b) I am still learning micronaut, hence it is mimicking the same app for easy inspiration. Micronaut also try doing the same. And mentions that in its docs. No doubt, the things will change and where appropriate more micronaut-ish.
The application uses Micronautfw.
- Use the idea of Domain Driven Design to separate the business term and infrastruture term.
- Use MyBatis to implement the Data Mapper pattern for persistence.
- CQRS pattern - Not yet done.
The following features and guides have been used / explored so far:
- Access a database with JPA and Hibernate
- Micronaut JWT Authentication
- Micronaut Open API
- More to Come...
You need Java installed.
./gradlew bootRun
open http://localhost:8080
Work in Progress List...
Please fork and PR to improve the code.