A place to share and collaborate
Here below is the course plan
Just a little information: -
- I have added folders for each individual
- I have added .md files to all folders so you can make your notes in those files
Need for Data Structures - Types of Data Structures - Abstract Data Type - Program Development Life Cycle -Algorithms - Characteristics of Algorithms - Recursive Algorithms - Complexity Analysis - Best case and worst case complexities - Asymptotic notations -Master theorem (10)
Array Representation and Operations - Linear Search and Binary Search - Insertion and Bubble Sort - Matrix representation using Multi dimensional arrays - Linked List Representation - Operations on a Singly Linked List - Types of Linked List - Polynomial Addition - Sparse Matrices (10)
Stack ADT - Representation and Operations - Expression Handling - Role of Stack in implementing recursive algorithms - Queue ADT - Representation and Operations - Types of Queues - Circular Queue - Deque - Priority Queue (10)
Terminologies - Binary Tree - Traversal - Expression Trees - Threaded Binary Tree - Binary Heap - Heap Sort - Priority Queue implementation using Binary Heap - Binary Search Tree (10)
m-way search trees - B Tree - B+ Tree - Applications - AVL Tree - Trie Structure - Hash Table - Hash Functions - Resolving Collisions - Rehashing - GRAPH Terminologies - Types of Graphs - Representation - Breadth First Search - Depth First Search - Topological Sort (20)
- Mark Allen Weiss , "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C", 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
- Venkatesan R, S.Lovelyn Rose , "Data Structures", 2 nd Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2019. REFERENCES:
- Jean Paul Tremblay, Sorenson , "An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications", McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,2012.