These are some projects which I made while learning iOS. These projects mostly contain basic stuff, which has been summarised below. Note that some of the projects might not display correctly with iOS 7 and above because they have been made with iOS 5 and Xcode 4.6.
Calculator - A simple working calculator.
Components - A project which I made to check out various iOS components.
CustomTableApp - This project is somewhat like the Contacts App. Stores information using NSUserDefaults.
DrinkMixer - Example from the HeadFirst iOS book. Shows a list of drinks and their recipes which can be edited. Data stored in plist file.
iDecide - The first example from HeadFirst iOS book. Just one button which changes text on clicking.
InstaEmail - Another simple example from the same book. Shows a MFMailComposeViewController after selecting and writing your message.
MultiView - An application which has two views switching to and from one another with different animations.
StoryboardTutorial - Experimentation with Storyboards and segue transitions and animations.
TestTableAnimation - Playing around with UITable cells moving around animations.
ThreadingTestApp - This app is a downloaded demo for Multithreading.
UITableViewDemo - An example for using UISearchBar with a UITableView just like the contacts app.
Timer - An demo application using multiple timers concurrently in a table.
MaskDemo - Example for masking a UIView