Phone Verification via Laravel Notification Channels
Signing in or signing up on a modern website or mobile app typically follows these steps:
- A user initiates verification by submitting a phone number
- The user receives an SMS or a call with a one-time password (OTP)
- The user completes verification by submitting the OTP
This library is built on top of alexeygeno/phone-verification-php and allows to set this up
- Easy switching between different storages and notification channels
- Configurable length and expiration time for OTP
- Configurable rate limits
- Localization
- Usage with different Laravel approaches: automatic injection, facade, and commands
- Logging notifications instead of sending real ones, beneficial for non-production environments
- Out-of-the-box routes for quick start
- Laravel 9.x
- Any of the available Laravel Notification Channels: laravel/vonage-notification-channel, laravel-notification-channels/twilio, laravel-notification-channels/messagebird and many more
- Any of the supported storages: predis/predis, jenssegers/laravel-mongodb
composer require alexgeno/phone-verification-laravel predis/predis laravel/vonage-notification-channel
Note: Redis as a storage and Vonage as a notification channel are defaults in the configuration
public function initiate(\AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Manager\Initiator $manager)
public function complete(\AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Manager\Completer $manager)
$manager->complete('+15417543010', 1234);
\AlexGeno\PhoneVerificationLaravel\Facades\PhoneVerification::complete('+15417543010', 1234);
php artisan phone-verification:initiate --to=+15417543010
php artisan phone-verification:complete --to=+15417543010 --otp=1234
curl -d "to=+15417543010" localhost/phone-verification/initiate
{"ok":true,"message":"Sms has been sent. Check your Phone!"}
curl -d "to=+15417543010&otp=1234" localhost/phone-verification/complete
{"ok":true,"message":"The verification is done!"}
Note: The package routes are available by default. To make them unavailable without redefining the service provider, change the bool key phone-verification.sender.to_log in the configuration
'storage' => [
'driver' => 'redis', // 'redis' || 'mongodb'
'redis' => [
'connection' => 'default',
// the key settings - normally you don't need to change them
'settings' => [
'prefix' => 'pv:1',
'session_key' => 'session',
'session_counter_key' => 'session_counter',
'mongodb' => [
'connection' => 'mongodb',
// the collection settings - normally you don't need to change them
'settings' => [
'collection_session' => 'session',
'collection_session_counter' => 'session_counter',
'sender' => [
'driver' => 'vonage', // 'vonage' || 'twilio' || 'messagebird' and many more
'channel' => \Illuminate\Notifications\Channels\VonageSmsChannel::class, // \Illuminate\Notifications\Channels\VonageSmsChannel::class || \NotificationChannels\Twilio\TwilioChannel::class || \NotificationChannels\Messagebird\MessagebirdChannel::class and many more
'to_log' => false, // if enabled: instead of sending a real notification, debug it to the app log
'routes' => true, // managing the availability of the package routes without redefining the service provider
'manager' => [
'otp' => [
'length' => env('PHONE_VERIFICATION_OTP_LENGTH', 4), // 1000..9999
'rate_limits' => [
'initiate' => [ // for every 'to' no more than 10 initiations over 24 hours
'complete' => [ // for every 'to' no more than 5 failed completions over 5 minutes
'period_secs' => env('PHONE_VERIFICATION_RATE_LIMIT_COMPLETE_PERIOD_SECS', 300), // this is also the expiration period for OTP
To switch between available storages and notifications channels, install the respective package and update the configuration. For example, to use Mongodb as a storage and Twilio as a notification channel:
composer require jenssegers/mongodb laravel-notification-channels/twilio
'storage' => [
'driver' => 'mongodb',
// ...
'sender' => [
'driver' => 'twilio',
'channel' => \NotificationChannels\Twilio\TwilioChannel::class,
// ...
// ...
If the available options are not sufficient, you can redefine the service provider and add a custom storage (implementing \AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Storage\I) or/and a sender (implementing \AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Sender\I)
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=phone-verification-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=phone-verification-lang
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=phone-verification-migrations
Note: Only the MongoDB storage driver requires migrations