App Idea: Karaoke Song Library API: -Genius music app ^revolves heavily around interaction with API info User input with searches and customizing their own list Store data in database and use PHP as server-side program
Functionality: (thought up with room to get more complex or be paired down if needed) ● Enter and store Username (linked to favorites list) ● Search Songs by Artist ○ Sort by Popularity or Alphabetically ● “Favorite” Songs and add to favorites list (database) ○ sorting/search functionality within? Different page? ● Show lyrics in app? link to song lyrics on Genius website?
- Describe the project in 45 sec a. Creates personalized library of karaoke songs and lyrics for each b. Interacts with Genius music app API c. Search capability & “saving” to build user’s list of favorites d. Shows lyrics of chosen song
- What technologies are you using? a. MongoDB (NoSQL database) b. Node.JS driver for functionality c. HTML for webapp d. CSS e. API for data