/!\ DISCLAIMER : This project was only for application purposes. So, these applications don't run on Swisscom infra.
- According to the employees list given by HR team (csv file sent by email), automatically provide VMs for incoming workers and unprovide them for outcoming workers (IT & HR departments only)
- Process scheduled every 24h
- VM name format : “department-firstname-lastname”
NB: It's actually the when it's deployed with k8s, with docker-compose you don't have load balancers and only one instance of each app.
: Readme assetsbackend/
: Dockerfile (build + run) & spring boot backend application source codeenv/
: Environment files of each app for docker-composefrontend/
: Dockerfile & nginx template configuration (reverse proxy)k8s/
: Master configuration (deployments + services) files for each appusers_lists/
: Ysers lists csv filevro_package/
: Package (workflow + config) to import in vROdocker-compose.yml
: Docker-compose configuration
The upload of the employees list is done on a front web (served by spring boot thymeleaf)
To access the web page, go to http://localhost:80/
Once done, you have the status of the upload and the summary of imported users in mysql database.
NB: The list you import erase all users already in database. (Employees who are still in the company will be again on the list).
user@os swisscom-titans-assessment % docker-compose up -d
user@os swisscom-titans-assessment % docker-compose down
user@os k8s % kubectl apply -f=master-backend.yaml,master-frontend.yaml,master-mysql.yaml
user@os k8s % kubectl delete -f=master-backend.yaml,master-frontend.yaml,master-mysql.yaml