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Algorithmia Developer Center

Welcome to the repository for Algorithmia's Developer Center. Here you will find guides, tutorials, sample apps, as well as some documentation on getting started with the API and basic set up.

These docs are built on Jekyll. Learn more over at the official Jekyll page.

Running locally

Initial setup

  1. Install Docker
  2. Log in to Docker using the algojenkins account. (Email [email protected], password in LastPass; note that the Username will be algojenkins, not the email address that's in LastPass)
  3. Clone this repo and run yarn setup from within the top-level directory
  • If you're on MacOS and don't have yarn yet, you can install it globally
  • Then, if yarn setup returns "The engine "node" is incompatible with this module..." error, you can first brew install nvm and then nvm install 14.17.1
  • Once that’s installed you may need to run one final nvm use <version_number> command to ensure node uses the latest version

Normal dev workflow

  1. Make sure the Docker daemon is running
  2. yarn dev*
  3. Visit http://localhost:4000/developers/ or http://localhost:4000/developers/api/
  4. While the local server is running, the local repo is being watched and changes will be reflected in the locally served version within ~10 seconds upon page refresh. Some changes, however, for example changes to navigation bar structure, are not automatically reflected. To clear the cache and completely rebuild the site to see these changes reflected, stop the server (CMD/CTRL + C) and then restart as in step 2.

*If this doesn't work (results in exit code != 0) and you've recently pulled down new code, try updating the dependencies by rerunning yarn and then yarn setup from the top-level directory. Once the dependencies update, rerun yarn dev.

Running a prod build locally

The dev build builds to _site, while the prod build will build to sites/public/. To run a prod build locally, for example for debugging purposes, run:

docker run -v $PWD:/jekyll algorithmiahq/dev-center:local-dev-jekyll-server bundle exec jekyll build -d sites/public/developers -c _config.yml

Building images for docker-compose

If changes are made to package.json, Gemfile, or any server-related code (server/*, _config-*.yml), you'll probably want to update the docker image that docker-compose uses for local dev.

docker build --no-cache -t algorithmiahq/dev-center:local-dev-node-server -f local.node.Dockerfile .
docker push algorithmiahq/dev-center:local-dev-node-server
docker build --no-cache -t algorithmiahq/dev-center:local-dev-jekyll-server -f local.jekyll.Dockerfile .
docker push algorithmiahq/dev-center:local-dev-jekyll-server

Making changes

Project organization

All posts, layouts, includes, stylesheets, assets, and whatever else is grouped nicely under the root folder.

Find all pages under the _pages directory, organized by URL route structure.

The compiled Jekyll site outputs to _site/. Do not edit anything in this directory (or your changes will be lost).

Writing pages

The first thing that goes in each new post is the YAML front-matter. Below is an example of front-matter:

layout: article
title:  "Example post!"
excerpt: "This is an example post."
date:   2016-01-05 11:39:38
categories: guides example
tags: [stuff, things]

# optional fields:
exclude_from_search: true #false by default
share: false #true by default
sitemap: false #true by default

For our purposes, the minimum you will need is layout, title, date, & categories. The other fields only need to be present if you are overriding the default.

Use excerpt to set the text that appears in under the article title in the collection view of all articles. The template will automatically grab the first sentence if you do not set an excerpt, so you'll want to make sure that is appropriate or set one by hand. Note: If the first line of your post is a templating tag, it will not automatically pick up an excerpt.

In the case of author, the default author can be found in _config.yml. The default author is Algorithmia. If you need to add yourself as an author, please fill out your author data in _data/authors.yml. Then, set the author field in your front-matter in the post.

Changing styles

Synapse changes

Synapse is added to this project through a pre-built CSS file that lives in css. If any new Synapse changes are required, build a new Synapse file (see the Synapse repository for steps on how to do this), and then increment the query parameter in _layouts/default.html so that browsers fetch the latest version.

Dev Center changes

Update the appropriate file within the css directory.

When mentioning statistics and numbers

When you're mentioning the number of algorithms in the marketplace, or the maximum number of algorithms you can call, to be consistent across the whole developer center, please use variables instead.

For example, if you want to mention the number of algorithms we have in an article, use the following:

And if you need a pre-trained model or utility function for your project, check out the over {{}} algorithms and microservices that have been deployed on Algorithmia's <a href="">AI Marketplace</a>.

You can find more variables in the _data/stats.yml file.


Image and video assets can be prefixed with {{site.cdnurl}} to automatically serve them via CDN. Note that it can take over 24h for the CDN's cache to clear, so if replacing an asset which is already in the CDN, consider renaming the asset to force its immediate reloading.

API Docs

The API docs are built using Redoc. During local development, the API docs are generated using /assets/openapispec.yml. In test and prod environments, the docs are generated using https://SITE_URL/v1/openapispec.


This Jekyll site uses several plugins to help generate content and make the site extra-awesome. All plugins live in the plugins directory. In order to speed up development, we've opted to use some plugins only in a production environment. You can see which plugins are used for development versus production by opening the _plugins-dev or _plugins-prod folders, which use symlinks to refer to files in the plugins folder. Included in the plugins directory:

  • Emoji.rb: Emojify your posts. Simply use the text version (like you would on GitHub) and this plugin will replace it with the emoji image. See the emoji cheat sheet for a full listing of emoji codes. 💅
  • author_page_generator.rb: This plugin will generate a page that lists all posts by a given author.
  • jekyll-lunr-search.rb: (Production Only) Generates the index of all posts for the search function.
  • navmenu.rb: A tag plugin to generate the side navigation menu.
  • strip.rb: Removes some excess whitespace and new lines generated by the Liquid templating process.

Environment variables


Default: false

Description: If set to true, enforces a content security policy for the application.


Default: false

Description: If set to true, disables the Strict-Transport-Security header on server responses.


Default: false

Description: If set to true, disables the X-Content-Type-Options header on server responses.


Default: false

Description: If set to true, disables the X-Frame-Options header on server responses.


Default: false

Description: If set to true, disables the X-XSS-Protection header on server responses.


Default: undefined

Description: The authorization bearer token necessary for the application to expose Prometheus metrics at the /metrics endpoint.


First, fork the repository and follow the instructions above to get set up. Make sure all your changes work locally. When you are ready, make a pull request to this repo and we will review the changes. Be sure to describe the changes, attach screenshots of any cosmetic changes, and if applicable, link to the open issue. Please follow the screenshot guidelines when including screenshots.

When contributing please refer to the Algorithmia manual of style for grammar, punctuation, voice, and tone.

Need help? Found a bug?

If you find a bug, can't follow the documentation, or have a question -- please submit an issue!

We will respond to you or reach out for more information as soon as possible. And, of course, feel free to submit pull requests with bug fixes or changes.