fetch and register metrics from configs from "env.yml" file. then set and update value of metrics based on logs line by line once new log is added.
Note: you see an .env file too. you can use it when you don't want to use yml based env file or just want to have a single ".env" file for the whole your project. so you can use .env file and change code to use ".env" based methods which are defined in "internal/env/env.go"
Note: by default it uses Guage metric type (more common) but you can add other metric types in "internal/logmetrics/logmetrics.go" as you wish
- logs : define logs levels which should be pushed to prometheus as metric
- confs : name / log file address / regex pattern to fetch fields from logs
yaml file example:
- "response"
- name: "response"
file: "../logs/responses.log"
regex: 'path:(?P<L_responseTime_path>[^|]*).*response_time:(?P<M_responseTime_gauge>[^|]*).*status:(?P<L_responseTime_status>[^|]*)'
log example based on previous regex pattern:
2022-12-12T11:53:35|response_logger|INFO|request_id:1670846006290592061|m_responseTime_gauge|path:/api/v1/auth/otp/login/|body:"{\"detail\":\"There was an error parsing the body\"}"|response_time:60|status:200
generated metric example:
clone the project
Build required docker image for exporter :
run this command to build "golangprom-exporter:1.0" image from dockerfile
docker build -t golangprom-exporter:1.0 .
! you can tag image to any name you would but you have to change image name of go-exporter service in compose file after that.
Install docker-compose
Prepare env yaml file acording to env structure
regex groups definition role:
- metrics: M_< metric name >
- labels: L_< metric name >_< label name >
NOTE: define regex patten inside
to avoid getting unknown escape character error
NOTE : you can skip next configurations and use default configurations of project
- Prepare prometheus configs yaml file (optional) :
as example:global: scrape_interval: 1s evaluation_interval: 2s scrape_timeout: 0s900ms scrape_configs: # processing prometheus service metrics - job_name: prometheus static_configs: - targets: ["localhost:9090"] # address of prometheus service # processing golang exporter metrics - job_name: logging static_configs: - targets: ["go-exporter:3030"] # address of exporter service
if want to use pre-configured grafana dashboard continue these steps
6. Prepare grafana datasource config file (optional) :
define prometheus instance to fetch data. change parameters in grafana/datasources/datasource.yml to your desire config or just edit url of prometheus instance
> url: http://prometheus-go-exporter:9090
7. Prepare grafana dashboard config file (optional) :
- grafana/datasources/dashboards/dashboard.yml : specify datasource which defined in previous step to read visualization data from it.
as example:
apiVersion: 1
- name: 'Prometheus' # datasource name
orgId: 1
folder: ''
type: file
disableDeletion: false
editable: true
path: /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards
- grafana/datasources/dashboards/*.json : json file of configured dashboard (can design dashboard in grafana panel and export it as json file).
define this file as "GF_DASHBOARDS_DEFAULT_HOME_DASHBOARD_PATH" compose environment variable to show it as home dashboard instead of grafana default home dashboard.
place "logs" folder in outer directory from project directory ( or change mount path in compose file )
then run this command in project directory to services start working
docker-compose up -d