About the project | Technologies | Getting started
Coffee Shop project developed clone UI
CREDIT, click here: DRIBBLE
Technologies that I used to develop this mobile client
- [React Native]
- [React Navigation]
- [React Native Vector Icons]
- [React Native Svg]
- [React Native Splash Screen]
- [Styled Components]
- [Redux]
- [React Redux]
- [Reactotron React Native]
- [Reactotron Redux]
- [Immer]
- [React Native Responsive Dimensions]
Clone the project and access the folder
$ git clone https://github.com/alissonfernand/coffeehub && cd coffeehub
Follow the steps below
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn
# If you are going to emulate with android, run this command
# Be sure to have the emulator open
$ yarn android
# If you are going to emulate with ios, run this command
$ yarn ios
Made with 💜 by Alisson Fernandes 👋 See my linkedin