Identify and classify toxic online comments - 0.80324
Predict the popularity of shelter pet photos - 0.17639 [RMSE]
Identify the type of disease present on a Cassava Leaf image - 0.86682
[FIXME] Can you improve the algorithm that classifies drugs based on their biological activity?
Can you predict upcoming laboratory earthquakes? - 1.65874
Can you detect fraud from customer transactions? - 0.905366
Predict sales prices and practice feature engineering, RFs, and gradient boosting - 0.12528 [RMSLE]
Provide product recommendations based on previous purchases
Can you identify who will make a transaction? - 0.89170
Predict if a customer will default in the future - 0.79050
Final project for "How to win a data science competition" Coursera course - 1.16445 [RMSE]
Predict which passengers are transported to an alternate dimension - 0.80079
Identify and classify toxic online comments - 0.90524
Learn computer vision fundamentals with the famous MNIST data (Ryan Chang) - 0.97985
Forecast use of a city bikeshare system - 0.55501 [RMSLE]
Start here! Predict survival on the Titanic and get familiar with ML basics - 0.80382
5,863 images, 2 categories - 0.83653
Bitcoin data at 1-min intervals from select exchanges, Jan 2012 to March 2021 - 0.71819
853 images belonging to 3 classes - 0.89657
How To Set Up a JupyterLab Environment on Ubuntu 18.04
How to run a jupyter notebook through a remote server on local machine?
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