Service to integration shoper online shop with local data.
Shoperintergration must communicate with the old DOS app. Communication will be done through changes on txt files.
- add logger to file
- add file watcher service to locate change in input file
- refactor fileWatcher to use streams
- startWatch
- readFile
- deleteFile
- watchFile
- add converter csv string to javascript object
- run fileWatcher on index.js
- add tokenGenerator function
- repair webpack build
- add service to get token from shoper api
- add shoperStock service
- get the connection token
- retry if catch error
- if catch error retry run task the specified numbers of times
- if task always return error send @ to specific persons - from config
- get item form shoper to compare
- send new data to shoper
- fix email message when stream catch error and complite stream
- fix email sendMessage - inside use SendMessageObservable
- add backup file wher will be insert data read from local file
- fix tests
- add gulp task's
- add api to change configuration
- insert task to local SQLite database
- api to reports and analizes
- add sending daily reports (node-schedule)
- add info about version on tag (like lazygit repo)
- more..