If you haven't installed them yet, you need to install some softwares and two extensions for VS CODE. One of them is a support tool necessary for this hands-on practice (Todo Tree).
https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GitHub.copilot ext install GitHub.copilot
TODO: Exercise #1 - Open the terminal and use the interactive prompt to ask Copilot how to install the below extension via a command in the terminal.
https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Gruntfuggly.todo-tree ext install Gruntfuggly.todo-tree
By installing the TodoTree extension or any other Todo extension, you will be able to follow this practice more effectively. The practice sequence is organized in the TODOS: first, complete the TASKS in order, followed by the EXERCISES, and optionally the CHALLENGES.
Let's get started!!!
**Before start remember: **CoPilot is not a compiler, sometime you will need to adjust things.
The application consists of two main folders: frontend and backend.
- Frontend: Built using React and Vite.
- Backend: A minimal .NET Core C# API project.
- Navigate to the backend folder:
cd backend
- Start the backend server:
dotnet run
- Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd frontend
- Install dependencies and start the development server:
yarn && yarn dev
Using the Todo Tree extension, complete the exercises in the order they appear. If you want an additional challenge, complete the optional challenges as well.