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Python Project Template

A Python project template that comes out of the box with configuration for:

GitHub files

The repository also comes pre-loaded with these GitHub files:

  • Pull request template
  • Issue templates
    • Bug report
    • Feature request
    • Question
  • Contributing guidelines
  • Funding file
  • Code owners
  • MIT License

How to use

Click this button to create a new repository for your project, then clone the new repository. Enjoy!

Use this template

Rename the project

After cloning the repository, rename the project by running:


Pass the following parameters:

Parameter Description
NAME Project new name
DESCRIPTION Project short description
SOURCE (optional) Source folder name
AUTHOR Author name
EMAIL Author email
GITHUB GitHub username (for GitHub funding)


Dev container

  • Docker

Local environment

  • Python 3.12+ (You can update the pyproject.toml for lower versions)
  • Pipx (optional - used to install Poetry if not already installed)


Install Poetry

To install poetry, if not installed (requires pipx), run:

make poetry

Install / Update dependencies

To install the project dependencies defined in the pyproject.toml file, run:

make install

To update the project dependencies, run:

make update

Install pre-commit hooks

To install the pre-commit hooks for the project to format and lint your code automatically before commiting, run:

make precommit

Activate virtual environemnt

To activate the virtual environment, run:

make venv

Format and Lint code

To format and lint project code, run:

make lint

Run tests with coverage

To run the unit tests defined under the tests folder and show coverage report, run:

make test

Running the project

A Poetry script, with the name app, is defined in the pyproject.toml file, to let you to run the project as a shell command.

Local / Dev container

Make sure to activate the virtual environment using make venv to be able to run app without poetry run

Try running app -h or app --help to get the help message of your app:

Usage: app [OPTIONS]

  Say hello

  -n, --name TEXT  Name  [default: World]
  -h, --help       Show this message and exit.


To run in a Docker container, use:

docker compose run app -h

Generating documentation

To generate and publish the project documentation to GitHub pages, run:

make docs

That pushes the new documentation to the gh-pages branch. Make sure GitHub Pages is enableed in your repository settings and using the gh-pages branch for the documentation to be publicly available.


To serve the documentation on a local server, run:

make local

Project Structure

├── .devcontainer                   # Dev container folder
│   ├── devcontainer.json           # Dev container configuration
│   └── Dockerfile                  # Dev container Dockerfile
├── .github                         # Github folder
│   ├── dependabot.yaml             # Dependabot configuration
│   ├── CODEOWNERS                  # Code owners
│   ├──                  # GitHub funding
│   ├──    # Pull request template
│   ├── ISSUE_TEMPLATE              # Issue templates
│   │   ├──                  # Bug report template
│   │   ├──              # Feature request template
│   │   └──             # Question template
│   └── workflows                   # Github Actions Workflows
│       ├── check.yml               # Workflow to validate code on push
│       └── docs.yml                # Woukflow to publish documentation
├── .gitignore                      # Git-ignored file list
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml         # Pre-commit configuration file
├── .flake8                         # flake8 configuration file
├── .vscode                         # VS code folder
│   └── settings.json               # VS code settings
├── .dockerignore                   # Docker-ignored file list
├── compose.yml                     # Docker-compose file
├── Dockerfile                      # App container Dockerfile
├── LICENSE                         # Project license
├── Makefile                        # Make commands
├── pyproject.toml                  # Configuration file for different tools
├── docs                            # Documentaion folder
│   ├── mkdocs.yml                  # mkdocs configuration file
│   ├──                   # Read-me file & Documentation home page
│   ├──             # Contributing guidelines
│   └── reference                   # Reference section
│       └──                  # App reference page
├── project                         # Main project folder
│   ├──                 # Init file of the main package
│   └──                      # Main Python file of the project
└── tests                           # Test folder
    ├──                 # Init file fo the test package
    ├──                 # Pytest configuration, and fixtures, and hooks
    └──                 # Sample test file