A friendly chatbot assistant for Discord servers. This project is in beta.
Invite Mr. Scott to your server. Run \bot commands
in any channel to fetch list of available commands. You can also try and test Mr. Scott on our support server.
1. \announce [type] [message] \anounce success hello
2. \bot [type] \bot commands
3. \define ?wiki [term] \define wiki coffee
4. \gupt [id] [message] \gupt 4324334324324332 i lv u
5. \help [command name] \help gupt
6. \news [topic | phrase] \news sports
More commands coming soon 😲
NOTE: Bot prefix \
can be different. To read command manuals run \help [command name]
. Some commands are server specific and cannot run in DM channel, also, admin commands only work in server text channels.
Mr. Scott is developed in association with Spanit Labs. Join the server to discuss development, submit bugs and suggestions.
Read wiki for info on how to start developing(not updated since v1.0-mvp).
Source code of this project is released under MIT license. You are not allowed to use the brand name Mr. Scott
for any associated/similar projects without prior permission from ap4gh.