A simple demonstration of a chat app using:
Front-end: HTML5, Twitter Bootstrap, AngularJS
Middleware: Node.js
Backend: MySQL 5.7
This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 4.0.5.
- Git
- Node.js (Node >= 6.x.x) and npm (npm >= 3.x.x)
- Gulp (
npm install -g gulp
) - node-gyp (
npm install -g node-gyp
) - MySQL Server Instance
Before running the Web App, please make sure to have access and setup a MySQL Server instance
For installing MySQL Server, please visit the docs at MySQL Website
See the file db-schema-setup.sql which contains the SQL commands for setting up the Database and Tables
To run the SQL commands described in the file, the MySQL logged in user must have proper privileges to CREATE USER/DATABASE/TABLE, GRANT, etc.
The SQL commands could be typed or imported using mysql -u <username> -p < <Path to db-schema-setup.sql>
Please report all your wonderful suggestions and improvements on the Issues tab
npm install
to install server dependencies. -
gulp serve
to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.
Run gulp build
for building and gulp serve
for preview.
Running npm test
will run the unit tests with karma.
npm(Node Package Manager)