Building block for a web application authentication using JWT cookie, spring security, stateless REST backend and react in the frontend. Fork or copy this code for your own web application.
The goal of this repository is to
- use the latest and up-to-date libraries for JWT token generation
- write as little code as possible to accomplish the task
- use 100% of the security API provided by spring instead of writing own code
- For now the code is incomplete, it is work in progress.
- The code is demonstrating the correct usage of user based authentication with spring and react only, it does not include all other hardening required to run a secure application in production.
- Don't use the flyway SQL scripts directly, make sure your app db user is different from the flyway user with reduced permissions!
You can use this code for free in your code regarding the requirements of the apache licence 2.0 .
- Spring Security
- Spring Web with REST API for user authentication
- Spring Data JPA for User persistence
- SQL migration scripts for postgres but can be migrated to any SQL DB
- Flyway Migration
Start database container:
cd backend
docker-compose start
Access postgres admin running at http://localhost:8090/ with password "admin":
- click "Add New Server"
- Tab "Connection"
- host: postgres
- port: 5432
- password: changeme
Start backend app:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- React
- Typescript
- material-ui
cd frontend
npm start
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.