I am a Web Developer from 🇧🇷 Recife-PE and currently here. I had some experiences living in 🇬🇧 London and 🇩🇪 Berlin.
I am Master in Mineral Engineering at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, a Full-Stack Developer Pos Specialist at Trybe, with MBA in Software Engineer at Faculdade Metropolitana
I worked lot of my years as Gemologist at Gem Royalty and I switched areas, to Software Engineer. I founded my own company called Hex Coder Studio that I worked as a Front-End and Graphic Designer for one and half year. One year as Senior Software Engineer at Insole. Today I am Senior Software Engineer at Accenture
I love art, games, series and storytelling.
Maturidade Digital e Mudança de Paradigma Empresarial
PT-BR: Uma abordagem do cenário pela qual as empresas brasileiras estão passando durante a pandemia - QR code micro-certified gemstones: femtosecond writing and Raman characterization in Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire
A new technological method to certify gemstones