This repository contains code for a graduate student project for Harvard Extension School's DGMD E-17 Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, and Artificial Intelligence class.
This project builds a data capture platform consisting of a stereo camera pair and Velodyne Puck Hi-Res LiDAR sensor. Using the captured data, it trains a computer vision model to predict depth maps, relying solely on the stereo camera sensor data as an input.
The final project report, which explains the project in more detail, is available here.
We also have a video overview of the project and results available here.
- Download OS image from
- Install OS image on SD card using Raspberry Pi installer Settings: - Hostname: testpi.local - Enable SSH - user: pi - password: deepsee - Wireless LAN config
- ssh into testpi.local
- sudo raspi-config
- set max resolution
- enable VNC
- enable camera
- expand filesystem
- enable predictable network interface names
- reboot
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install git
- git clone
- sudo apt-get install tcpdump
- pip install --pre scapy[basic]
- pip install picamera
- pip install -r requirements.txt
To capture stereo camera data on the robot, run the script from the ./Robot subfolder.
While camera data is being recorded, the user should run tcpdump command line utility simultaneously to write .pcap files to disk.
Default sensor calibration settings are specified in
If calibration adjustments are required, the file can be used to overlay LiDAR and camera images and test out modifications to the predefined calibration values.
Two scripts are provided for preprocessing the camera images and LiDAR data, respectively. To use, first update the data paths in, then run:
To train a new model, check settings in and run the script.
The python program can take a directory as input (update path in, run inference given a set of pretrained model weights, and output depth map visualizations to a specified directory.
Pre-trained weights are provided in the "trained_weights" folder.
- kitti_weights.pth for model trained on KITTI dataset
- deepsee_weights.pth for model trained on Deep See dataset
The python program can be run on the output of the prior step to convert these into a video.