This is the repository containing all my projects, that I have created for the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge Master's Degree of the University of Bologna.
I am currently working on my final dissertation for my master's degree under the tutelage of prof. Paola Maria Carmela Italia and prof. Francesca Tomasi. The project - OpenGadda: The Transmedial Archives - is currently developing an integrated digital product of Carlo Emilio's Gadda archives. This project will allow the users to both browse through the entirety of the auhtor's own archives and to visualize the data extracted from them.
Here you can find repository and the website of the project, which is still a work in progress.
- Network Analysis, prof. Saverio Giallorenzo - Project repository
- Information Visualization, prof. Marilena Daquino - Project repository, website
- Semantic Digital Libraries, prof. Giovanni Colavizza - Project repository, website
- Data Science, prof. Silvio Peroni - Project repository
- Information Modelling and Web Technologies, prof. Fabio Vitali - Project repository, website
- Knowledge Organization and Cultural Heritage, prof. Francesca Tomasi - Project repository, website
- Knowledge Representation and Extraction, prof. Aldo Gangemi - Project repository, website
- Digital Text in the Humanities: Theories, Methodologies and Applications, prof. Tiziana Mancinelli - Project repository, website
- Interaction Media Design, profs. Simona Caraceni and Simona Pescarin - Project repository, website
- Scholarly Editing and Digital Approaches, prof. Paola Maria Carmela Italia - Project repository, website