A curated list of awesome resources related to Intel® Software Guard Extensions (SGX).
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (SGX) is Intel's take on enabling creating secure enclaves for applications on Intel's processors, starting with Skylake and on. Some of the objectives of Intel® SGX are:
- Allow applications to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or modification by rogue software running at higher privilege levels.
- Enable applications to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive code and data without disrupting the ability of legitimate system software to schedule and manage the use of platform resources.
- Enable the platform to measure an application’s trusted code and produce a signed attestation, rooted in the processor, that includes this measurement and other certification that the code has been correctly initialized in a trustable environment.
- Enable the development of trusted applications using familiar tools and processes.
- Allow the performance of trusted applications to scale with the capabilities of the underlying application processor.
- Enable applications to define secure regions of code and data that maintain confidentiality even when an attacker has physical control of the platform and can conduct direct attacks on memory.