You will deploy three replicated HA amq_broker instances called amq1, amq2 and amq3.
- amq1 primary and amq3 backup will live on first virtual machine
- amq2 primary and amq1 backup will live on second virtual machine
- amq3 primary and amq2 backup will live on third virtual machine
- prepare three rhel9 virtual machines (qemu/ec2/....) it does not matter
- setup networking between virtual machines (can be dns, route53, /etc/hosts,..)
- insert the user account that ssh into target hosts
- insert the path to the private key that can ssh into target hosts
- insert the automation hub token at the bottom to download certified collections
- get credentials at
- use client_id and secret for rhn_username and rhn_password
ansible-galaxy collection install redhat.amq_broker
ansible-playbook -i inventory/ -e @rhn_creds.yml plaubook.yml
TASK [Print status] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /home/guido/Development/asciinema/amq_broker_split_brain/playbook.yml:52
ok: [amq3.internal] => {
"ansible_facts.amq_broker.HAPolicy": "Replication Primary w/quorum voting"
ok: [amq1.internal] => {
"ansible_facts.amq_broker.HAPolicy": "Replication Backup w/quorum voting"