A tiny command line application for interacting with the coinbase api
When ran you will see a list of commands that you can type to interact with the coinbase api
address list
address show
address transactions
address create_address
deposit execute
deposit commit
deposit list
deposit show
exchange sendMoney
exchange requestMoney
exchange transferMoney
exchange show_trades
exchange order
exchange commitOrder
withdrawal execute
withdrawal commit
withdrawal list
withdrawal show
login init
login reconnect
prices currencies
prices show
prices rates
user show
user update
account show
account list
account update
account delete
payment_method show
payment_method list
For details type <command> --help
******Logged into Coinbase API.***********
Local Time: 2021-11-23 17:47:29.987
Server Time: 2021-11-23 08:47:30.000
Local Time: 2021-11-23 17:47:30.948
!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING --- CONNECTED TO LIVE PROD ACCOUNT !!!!!!!!!!!