Meenutab natuke raamatu sisu Kuidas meil asjad käivad
First steps:
pacman -Sy && pacman -S git
git clone
cd archbase/tools
cp chroot.config.example chroot.config
- Modify values to match your taste
vim chroot.config
cd Repo/Begin && git clone [email protected]:begin/begin_docker.git docker
unset NVM_DIR
cd && curl -o- | bash
source .zshrc
nvm install 8.15.0 && npm install yarn -g
There is already a default git configuration. In case it needs to be recreated:
git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git-templates'
- Re-initialize git in each existing repo you'd like to use this in:
git init
. NOTE if you already have a hook defined in your local git repo, this will not overwrite it.
gpg --output config --decrypt && rm
- Populate id_rsa with real key
Edit>Preferences>Shared VMs>Change Settings>Disable Sharing
This will free up 443 port or one can change the port to something else
Edit>Virtual Network Editor>Change Settings>NAT>NAT Settings
Add port forward for 80 and 443 from guest to host.
- Install yay
- Install nerd fonts
yay -S nerd-fonts-complete
- Install catacomb
gpg --output doc.gpg --symmetric doc